I'm attracted to him, too. The entire package.
What is it about him? He's not really that good looking. His accent is pretty sexy. Maybe it's the whole bad boy thing he's got going. I don't know.
Self-confidence, straight-forwardness, tight bod, ...something else....some stealth charisma...
Paula Abdul is an idiot.
I agree. She getting even worse than Kathie Lee Gifford, and that's saying a lot.
This year I find she at least appears coherent, but everything she says is so fawning and inane. How can anybody take her seriously? The woman has diarrhea of the mouth.
That having been said, I would do her too. She has a nice tight bod.
And now the question is "What is Paula Abdul On, Anyway?"
Apparently, she was wrecked on the lastest AI show. (See below)
Babbling Paula
Sad to see an LA Laker cheerleader turn out this way, such promise.....
The truly sad thing is that she can say what she does and still make more money than I'll see in my life.
kickycan wrote:And yes, I would do her. In fact, I'd like to stick my dick in her mouth just to shut her up.
I've had men say that about me...... didn't stop me for a second....you just have to speak with a certain rhythm.
so......i said.....if i......have to....come out.....there to.....take care....of it....