xingu wrote:We are the same animal and are motivated by the same things.
No! RELIGION was never there when we were animals. We basically fought for Food, Water, cloth and Shelter when being animals.
Secondly A religion SUGGESTS a way to live & it can never be a REASON to die for.
xingu, now you tell me How a THING like Religion becomes so much of a issue when your intelligence tells you that there are more reasons to fight for. I mean you are getting voilent for some set of thoughts you have believed in and there are several others who dont and make fun of it. So by killing a few does that solve the issue?
xingu wrote:As long as there are humans there will be competition. Competition breeds war and violence.
How can religion be a reason for war and violence? Simply to spread your own religion across the globe. Right! OK whats next? What purpose has it served to humanity? Nothing.
Its ultimately the pure Greed for power & money, for which they use religion as a reason. Smart people (leaders who manipulate it) don't die for it, they use the religion for gaining power. Its ultimately many fools who kill themselves under the impression that by dying for their religion, they will achieve Heaven.
I am no fool and I know that when I give food to a starving child I am already in my heaven!