Hi ul, We have to be careful when we read anything favorable in the Bush Files - the favorable things are recent additions and usually someone in the Bush Gang trying to make it sound like everything is ok. The sheer tens of millions of pages of unfavorable information IMHO may be taken as evidence that all in the Bush Camp is not Ok.
I'm actually quite surprised that any newspaper in Germany/Austria would print anything about Nazis. They have in the past ignored that piece of history. My ex-wife's cousins were all Nazis and some still are - although they will not talk about it. One cousin that I really liked a lot was actually a young SS soldier during WWII and showed me his prize cache of Hitler stuff along with home movies of some action he was involved in during the war. I thought it all fantastic - after all we were soldiers and young - and proud of our service. The same may be said of any young soldier serving in any countries army. I met others - one of my favorite was Franz who lives in Leopoldsdorf north-east of Vienna. He told me of his service in Russia and the Western Front. He also gave me his bayonet and his Silver Iron Cross. I am proud to keep them in his name. My ex-wifes father had helped eleven of his friends that happened to be Jewish to escape the country. One of them wrote a letter thanking him - he was arrested in 1939 and after a year with the Gestapo spent the entire war in Mauthausen. He was very lucky to have survived the Quarry and two trips to the "baths". He told me some very interesting stories about the camp. His brother - a Gestapo officer - I met in the hospital just before he died - I think he would have been a scary person to have known during the war. I met a diehard Nazi who lived in Schwetzingen near Heidelberg that actually said he didn't believe the camps existed - I guess that's one way to handle the afterthought. grin Another I met was a friend of Franz's who had served on U-boats. I thought that was great and we all had many toasts to our service.
That is very interesting ul. I've bookmarked it.
Danon, thankfully the Nazi past is now discussed.
I was lucky when I was a pupil, we did study this topic in school, my husband didn't. My kids had some very good projects.
I found the article
And I am waiting for your contribution to the book in planning.
Oh, that's a good one ul. I was thinking that after almost two years someone has squashed the story. I certainly hadn't heard about it in any news venue. Also, I was drawn by the mention of many Harriman Papers in the Library of Congress - that just recently many papers in the L of C are being reclassified and taken away from public view. You may bet your bippy that the Harriman Papers are among the ones disappearing. Also, the mention of no one knowing who owned the Rotterdam Bank reminded me of Georges father the first Bush Pres - he actually doesn't remember where he was the day President Kennedy was assassinated - he actually was in a small town outside Dallas and within a short while was in Dallas - but he can't recall where he was. Sad.
aktbird57 - You and your 290 friends have supported 2,256,021.9 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 100,598.0 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 290 friends have supported: (100,598.0)
American Prairie habitat supported: 48,361.6 square feet.
You have supported: (11,658.2)
Your 290 friends have supported: (36,703.4)
Rainforest habitat supported: 2,107,062.3 square feet.
You have supported: (168,894.5)
Your 290 friends have supported: (1,938,167.8)
2256021.9 square feet is equal to 51.79 acres
Reading along, "listening". learning.
Dan and ul, such interesting reading! Thanks.
Mentioning Bush Sr. couldn't remember where he was when Kennedy was killed - bet he remembers where he sitting when three planes crashed into the World Trade Center...
...at the Ritz - meeting with ben ladens elder brother...
Bet he doesn't !! Big Grin
All clicked for another tree - and vine or two. Rain Forest stuff ya know....
aktbird57 - You and your 290 friends have supported 2,257,614.1 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 100,761.9 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 290 friends have supported: (100,761.9)
American Prairie habitat supported: 48,408.4 square feet.
You have supported: (11,658.2)
Your 290 friends have supported: (36,750.3)
Rainforest habitat supported: 2,108,443.7 square feet.
You have supported: (168,917.9)
Your 290 friends have supported: (1,939,525.8)
2257614.1 square feet is equal to 51.83 acres
Doin' the same as 'beth & Stradee!
I should've guessed Austria, ul. It sounds like a beautiful place. Sadly I've never been to Europe - only vicariously!
Dan - your mention of culinary expertise has made me hungry - and I've already had dinner!
Will you be coming to the a2k gathering in Chicago? If you are, bring some cooking supplies!
And thanks for clickin' 'beth! I finally got on - only late - today.
Oh, dev, you haven't an idea of the beauty of Austria. It is the place to visit if possible. I assure you that if you are traveling anywhere in Austria and stop for lunch - you will have a feast. The local people everywhere take so much pride in preparing the very best meals.
My culinary expertise is limited to home these days. Chicago !! I have a classmate from school living there. She is the very first date I had in Atlanta - ((we were in 8th grade and her parents drove her to my home to - AHEM !! pick me up !!)) It was a very nice time and I have never forgotten. No, we didn't date again..... grin The very first girl I ever kissed was during the fourth grade here in Atlanta - yes, she still lives here - no, we never actually dated. We were a class of five students. We all five still live in this vicinity. We went to a small country school that consisted of two classrooms a kitchen and an auditorium - with stage. Each classroom had four grades in it. I had a good time listening to the other grades being taught. Life was easy in those days. My class from grade three to seven was just the five of us. Then the state of Texas closed the country school and we had to go to the ""city"" school in Atlanta. Oh the trauma !!! But, it soon became lots of fun.
Oh, prior to grade three I was in West Texas schools. That's when (1952) the family moved to East Texas.
I actually lived in Midland, Texas - where Laura Bush came from and where the Bush family was located for awhile. The Texas and Pacific Railroad which I virtually lived on went through there.
danon5 wrote:Stradee,
Bet he doesn't !! Big Grin
All clicked for another tree - and vine or two. Rain Forest stuff ya know....
Wow! What a lively discussion! Haven't been around for over a month. My husband suffered a mild heart attack on 1/31/06 and I haven't had a moment to spare, caring for him. I don't know where to begin. Just wanted to check in and let you all know how it's been.
teeny, sending good thoughts for hubby's recovery, and good seeing your posting here again!
Today is Fat Tuesday! We're getting ready for the ball - so don your favorite gown, and join us for the party! <Tux optional for men, but ya all look mighty handsome, just soz ya know>
Teeny, bet you have great memories of Mardi Gras!
Teeny, I'm so sorry to hear that! I'll keep you and your hubby in my prayers. I hope you are taking care of BOTH of you! Please take care, and pop in whenever you can. We'll be here for you.
Ah, Dan, such a life you've lived! I've always wondered what it would be like to have such a small class. My freshman year college room mate graduated with only 51 in her class! Mine was almost 400, and I didn't know half of them!
And how is your wife, Patty? She has MS, right? My sister-in-law suffers from it as well - nasty disease, that. I hope she is doing as well as possible.
Off to try to click now, that is, if this fa-shlugina computer decides not to poop out on me!
Oh teeny, I hope your husband is doing well. I've seen you and him in a photo - a very attractive couple you are. So, I'm sending good thoughts and prayers to you. Do visit us more often.
Damn ! You HAD to remind me it's FAT Tuesday !! I need to lose about 35 lbs.................. All my trousers have shrunk!!!!!! And my sweaters have developed a sort of round appearance - it's almost out of the realm of universal law.
That was such an experience - a real American dream time. We all had such good times. I mean really good times. Summers we played baseball and basketball on dirt courts. Winters we did plays in the auditorium. The whole place was a great time. Here is a photo of the school. It was out in the middle of the country so no problems with noise...
Oak Grove School
aktbird57 - You and your 290 friends have supported 2,258,761.3 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 100,879.0 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 290 friends have supported: (100,879.0)
American Prairie habitat supported: 48,455.3 square feet.
You have supported: (11,681.6)
Your 290 friends have supported: (36,773.7)
Rainforest habitat supported: 2,109,427.1 square feet.
You have supported: (168,917.9)
Your 290 friends have supported: (1,940,509.1)
2258761.3 square feet is equal to 51.85 acres
danon - I just marvel at that picture of your school
Several of the schools I went to were nice old city buildings - with girls entrances separate from boys entrances - that sort of thing.
Then there was my high school - looks more than a bit like a factory.
Aw schuchs ehBeth.....
Here is a pic of my High School - which is now a grade school - I don't know where the extra kids are coming from - the Population of Atlanta, TX was 5015 when I left town in 1961 - and it is now 5745. Not a good show.
The pic is a pencil sketch I made in 1961 at the bequest of the student council in charge of making things we could write "Thank You" notes on. It is a scene looking at the main entrance of the school. I don't actually know why I drew it from an apparent ten foot or so height - but, there ya go. Must have been my senior moment at age 17.
Dan, not to worry. You're just wearing your winter coat is all. Soon as summer arrives, bet your cloths will planitarily fit again. <grin>
Teeny, prayers and good thoughts, hon.
Terrific photos and drawings ya all!
A photo of the school I attended from 1-8th grades...
St. Elizabeth's Elementary School - San Francisco
Great, we get to see where the "smarts" got started!! Schools.
all clicked................