# 68 Wildclickers arranging a ball

Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 07:15 pm

like your signature !!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 09:49 am
Morn'n all,

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 12:40 pm
thank you, thank you. i clicked as well. hope that i'll remember every day.
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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 02:10 pm
We hope you do, dagmaraka. I make it easy for myself to remember - The URL is in a folder labeled Rain Forest Stuff at the very top of my Favorites list (Bookmarks for some).

By the way, we are locating ourselves on the new Google map at = http://www.frappr.com/wildclickers
It's strictly voluntary.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 03:33 pm
g'day wildclickers!

sumac, from Nation Science, an article regarding your NASA posting...

"When NASA's top climatologist, James E. Hansen, was silenced because his research on global warming was at odds with Bush Administration policies, he became a cause célèbre for browbeaten scientists fed up with the government stranglehold on their research."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2006 11:06 pm
aktbird57 - You and your 290 friends have supported 2253586.9 square feet!

Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 100,270.2 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 290 friends have supported: (100,270.2)

American Prairie habitat supported: 48,268.0 square feet.
You have supported: (11,634.8)
Your 290 friends have supported: (36,633.2)

Rainforest habitat supported: 2,105,048.8 square feet.
You have supported: (168,871.1)
Your 290 friends have supported: (1,936,177.6)


dag - it looks like your clicks are registering - I sent you an email


2253586.9 square feet is equal to 51.74 acres
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 06:51 am
A2k is soo slow-
Hamsters are overworked? Or having a ball somewhere?

Yesterday a friend gave a link to me:

It is the National Archives Video Sections. Just watched a video about the White Sands National Park (NM) from 1938-
We had a great time there last year.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 10:00 am
ul, seems the hamsters and link both running a bit off kilter - linking to the site, buffering, - could also be dial. A slow net day.

One of the video clips "rebuilding indian lands' features artwork, but i'm not certain if they're American Indian artwork, or gov drawings. Will have to check in later today when the internet connections a bit faster.

Thanks for the site, ul!
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 10:21 am
Morning ul, or, in your case - Afternoon, way afternoon. Must be about 4PM there.
Yes the White Sands area is very beautiful and laced with recent history. I liked especially driving the back roads through the Gila Nat'l Forest just West of White Sands. Very nice area.

Hey, dag's on our frappr map !! Great !! Very Happy Very Happy

Thanks for the link. There are many people coming forward now telling of the threats and intimidation they have received from the Bush Gang to keep quiet. It goes along with Papa Bush's desire for secrecy - which VP Cheney holds dear also. The thing about the reports of the UAE dealings and the stupid remarks by Bush and his people saying they didn't know about it brought to mind - "Just who did this thing??" Nobody is asking that question. Bush didn't know, His staff didn't know, His Homeland Security manager didn't know !!! The only person who has not come forward saying he didn't know is VP Cheney. That leads me to suspect that the UAE deal was administered by him on the quiet and that the one person behind it is Papa Bush - who is well known for being in bed with the Arabs. That is why we will never hear publically about the background of the UAE deal. Papa is the most secretive person on this earth and, for a good reason. Shocked Cool Arrow
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 12:13 pm
Hi, all! Welcome to wildclickers, Dagmarka, and if I haven't said so already, I LOVE your signature too.
And, Dan, besides the more recent picture of you in your apron on another thread, that's my favorite avvie of you.
BTW, where ARE you from, ul? Are you on the frappr map yet? I'm gonna go check out Dagmarka! And I'm...

Gonna go click now!
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 12:17 pm
I'm all clicked in you'all.

Can I click each one more then once?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 01:38 pm
Hey kids!


Amigo - danon's the expert on the best clicking routine. I'm thinking he's probably got his explanation to the rest of us memorized now :wink:


aktbird57 - You and your 290 friends have supported 2,254,359.6 square feet!


1 Aktbird57 .. 1383 51.749 acres
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 04:28 pm
Thanks, the pic is very recent. Since my Patti is unable to do much - I am enjoying preparing stuff in the kitchen - it's really a relaxing thing for me. I enjoy experimenting. I now make a really great Bearnaise Sauce to go with our occasional red meat dishes. The first time I read the recipe for bearnaise sauce my arteries started to snap crackle and pop just thinking about what was in the mix. But, in moderation, it's all ok.
mmmmm, we had a really good duck l'orange not long ago that came out great. I am recently making crepe pancakes for her breakfast. Enough of this balogna...............

I'm glad you asked. Yes, you can get actually three clicks for one named click. You can get five clicks for two named clicks. And, you can get eleven clicks for five named clicks. It's simple. Here ya go as if you had Two names to click for......

1. click on the URL provided to bring up the site page and without signing in just click on the Rain Forest icon. It will then bring up a page that says Thank You you have just saved 7.4 sq ft - then on that same page click Login at the upper left of the page. Log in your first name as usual in the Existing Members box - but be sure to Uncheck the Remember me box - then click Log Me In and wait. The next page will say Thank You, etc. - click logout at the upper left of the page. The next page will say you are logged out. Now, reclick the original URL you used the first time to access the site - it will bring up the page with the Rain Forest icon on it (along with the other two, Marine Wetlands and American Prairies) NOW, WAIT 60 SECONDS and click the Rain Forest icon again without signing in - it will send you again to the Thank You page saying you have saved x amt of Rain Forest. Now, click Login and on the login page enter your second name - uncheck the Remember Me box and Log In. The Thank You page will come up - click Logout and at the You Are Logged Out page - reclick the original URL you used to access the site the first time. WAIT 60 SECONDS and click the Rain Forest icon. The Thank You, etc, etc. page will come up Then you may go your merry way elsewhere having clicked FIVE times for AKTBird57 team using only TWO names.

If you have more names in your list you may use the same sequence above for all - then wait 60 secs and get that last click in. Works every time for me. And it's all perfectly within the Care2's rules. They just want your accessing the site to consider their advertising, but within reason. After you click as described above it's all over - no more freebies - unless you use another registered name.

So, there ya are.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 08:43 pm
danon5 wrote:
Morning ul, or, in your case - Afternoon, way afternoon. Must be about 4PM there.
Yes the White Sands area is very beautiful and laced with recent history. I liked especially driving the back roads through the Gila Nat'l Forest just West of White Sands. Very nice area.

Hey, dag's on our frappr map !! Great !! Very Happy Very Happy

Thanks for the link. There are many people coming forward now telling of the threats and intimidation they have received from the Bush Gang to keep quiet. It goes along with Papa Bush's desire for secrecy - which VP Cheney holds dear also. The thing about the reports of the UAE dealings and the stupid remarks by Bush and his people saying they didn't know about it brought to mind - "Just who did this thing??" Nobody is asking that question. Bush didn't know, His staff didn't know, His Homeland Security manager didn't know !!! The only person who has not come forward saying he didn't know is VP Cheney. That leads me to suspect that the UAE deal was administered by him on the quiet and that the one person behind it is Papa Bush - who is well known for being in bed with the Arabs. That is why we will never hear publically about the background of the UAE deal. Papa is the most secretive person on this earth and, for a good reason. Shocked Cool Arrow

The Bush family association with the Saudis goes way back to the 1970's when Bush Sr. began his career in big oil and politics. His association <or we are told> begins when bush is CIA director and trains palace guards for the Saudis. That began the bush family fortune - dealings in real estate, and millions of dollars funneled to gwbs failed oil company, etc. Not such a big secret - but the events since then haven't been coincidental, imo.

The timeline of the bush/u.s. government connections read like a bad movie. Guess they didn't count on ben laden becoming disenfranchised after he had advised the Saudis to raise their own army to rid the region of Hussein, but the Saudis decided to let the United States do the job for them - and when Dessert Storm ended, there were 20,000 American soldiers left in Saudi Arabia angering ben laden. Soon Ben Laden makes a deal with the Saudi royal family: he is allowed to leave the kingdom with his fortune, and will receive funding for al Qaeda from various Saudi charities and banks, but in return he must not launch attacks against the royal family. Bin Laden settles in the Sudan, aiming his ire at the US.

Bushcos gone way beyond the pale with the UAL deal.
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 08:53 pm
Welcome dag, to the frapr map and the wildclickers team!

sumac, where are you? Hope all is well.
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Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2006 09:24 pm
You have the right idea re the Bush Gang. However, the family fortune didn't begin with Herbert Walker (Papa) it started with his father - Georges grandpa who attended Yale with the likes of Averill Harriman and actually was invited by the Harriman to join the Skull and Bones. From there grandpa went on to a close association with the Natzi Party in Germany prior to the beginning of WWII. That was Ok. However, the thing that wasn't Ok IMHO was Grandpa keeping his Natzi associations for almost a full year after the USA declared war with Germany. It actually took a Congressional decision to stop his affiliation with Germany to make him quit. In the mean time he had accumulated a fortune. That was the beginning of the Bush money and influence. Grandpa received no repercussions afterward - Herbert Walker Bush (Papa) was born rich and spoiled in Connecticut. Barbara was born to a rich family and was just as spoiled as Papa - what a match !!! Then George was born rich and spoiled in Connecticut - now claiming to be a Texan - WHAT A PILE OF BULL DUNG !!!
George has failed miserably at each oil well drilling company that has been GIVEN to him - more than one. He has failed at everything given him to date. Including the Presidency. Future history will declare this to be the truth. His father, Papa Bush is the guiding factor behind everything George has done - he has not done one thing in his life for himself.
Then, there is his three brothers that nobody ever hears about. They have all cost the American taxpayer many BILLIONS of dollars and gotten entirely away with it - thanks to Papa. When George Herbert Walker Bush passes away - there will be no more influences from the Bush family because the kids are no match to Papa. Not one I have looked at are capable of Papa's secrecy. Aside from that times have certainly changed - the internet (Google) affords each person on earth an unprecedented access to information that was not imagined by even Papa Bush. It is his downfall.


Just for fun - - - Google this:

1. bush family history

2. john kerry family history

Results are amazing............... But, nowhere as dramatic as during the last presidential race. Still, you can't deny the obvious comparisons.

I actually didn't favor Kerry either. Not good choices.

Hmmmm, I wonder if Papa had a hand in the last election....?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 12:28 am
Dan, interesting family histories.

The lesser of the two evils, I choose John Kerry. Makes a lot of sense why he didn't have a chance at the election though - given the Bushco cartels background <Nazi Germany> and why Kerry didn't go after gwb with guns blazing during the 'debates' <Florida, etc> - and since, when he's made any sort of statement against the esteemed prez thug, halfheartedly or not, comments halted at every issue - the same with government agency employees, or citizen protests.

Will be interesting seeing what the medias' planned for gwb - and how the UAL debacle plays out.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 11:22 am
Yes, Stradee, interesting indeed that the Bush Google brings up 65,000,000 sites which avg 99% are negative toward the family. While the Kerry Google brings up many sites now - during the election there were very few sites and at that time only ONE site was negative (the one about his wartime experience written by people who weren't even there to see what actually happened) Talk about your back stabbing tactics by the Bush Gang. And we must not forget that Kerry is a Skull and Bones member also. That's the big reason he did not blast Bush. That secret society has an immensely enormous power over its members for life.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 01:08 pm
Dan, yep - and yet another policy decision from the mental genius gwb -

In 2002, the Coast Guard estimated it would take $5.4 billion over 10 years to improve port security to the point mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act. Last year, Congress appropriated $175 million. The administration had requested $46 million, below 9-11 levels.
<source alternet>

At the same time, the administration was negotiating a deal with the Emerites - so no surprise there - when Congress was negotiating funding for port security.

Supporters of gwb will have a difficult time explaining the administrations free trade policies, and the 'war on terrorism'.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 01:47 pm
Well, it seems the hamsters are back turning the wheel.
On weekends, when I can use the computer in the mornings, they seem to take a break, all other sites I use, work normally.

Devriesj, I think I joined danon's map-- in Austria.

When you google Bush- how trustworthy are the sites you find?
There was a lot of talk about the Nazi connection in some European newspapers, last year I think. But then it stopped.
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