ul, the school building and curriculum sounds so interesting!
Although parochial, my school did not separate the boys from the girls, except during recesses - but the rule wasn't strickly enforced, especially since Sister Presentation <the yard superintendant> could toss a football better than most NFL quaterbacks. Academically though, all was equal.
A student either earned "A's" or they earned "A"s. Competitive? You bet.
I recall a word our teacher decided to imprint in our brains for eternety. Most of the class missed the word during a spelling test - so Sister, veil flying behind her, flew up and down the rows of desks and with each two letters she'd hit the top of desks...<smack> "IN" <smack> "IT" <smack> "IA" <smack> "TI" <smack> "VE"! <arms raised to ceiling> INITIATIVE! Nobody missed the word next spelling quiz.
Sending good thoughts that you initiative the flu elsewhere.