Zippo wrote: That's what Bush thought about Iraq. Have a little "shock and awe" and everyone will give up.
Your penchant for exaggeration will likely leave me ignoring your posts if you continue in that line. That being said; "shock and awe" was largely successful in terms of "everyone will give up" in so far as WMD threats were concerned. Guerilla fighters, whether you call them terrorists or freedom fighters neither protected Saddam, nor any building of significance.
Saddam, and any potential he may or may not have had to threaten the world with WMD was soundly defeated before Bush gave his "mission accomplished" speech. Winning the peace, is obviously still problematic but that doesn't change the fact that Saddam and his delusions of grandeur are gone for good. To the extent Iraq was ever a threat in the realm of WMD, the mission was accomplished a long time ago. Until you make the distinction between defeating the enemy and winning the peace, you'll continue to make faulty conclusions regarding the effectiveness of our assault.
Zippo wrote: Iran will stop the flow of its oil. Russia and China won't be happy about that.
The Iranian nuclear sites have Russian/Chinese advisors and technicians working there. To attack Iran would also mean to declare war on Russia/China.
If you really believe something this naive, I'm wasting my time responding. In the event the sh!t hits the fan; let there be no doubt the Russians and Chinese will be long gone before the campaign begins. While the Russians may continue to put thorns in our side in terms of technology sales to Iran, they will neither consider an attack on Iran an act of war against them, nor will they be suiting up for war on their behalf. That proposition is naive to the point of foolishness.
Zippo wrote:Quote:The fact that the plant is being built under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards has not eased concerns in the West. About
3,000 Russian personnel are already working at the Bushehr plant, and the large movement of equipment and technicians between Russia and Iran is the perfect cover for covert weapons-related assistance or smuggling, say international non-proliferation agencies.
Yes, it would be the perfect cover if Putin & Co. were deranged lunatics seeking WWIII. There is virtually no reason to believe in such a paranoid delusion. Putin has been near the top of the Military food chain for most of his adult life; and Moscow has never played as fast and loose with their enormous arsenal as the U.S. Not even during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviets still may have thought they had a shot. If you really belive there will be a military alliance formed there against us, I can't help you.
Zippo wrote:OCCOM BILL, your idea about "Ok Iran you sit back and we'll bomb you"
wont work.
These people are not scared of death, as we have seen in Iraq.
Frankly, Iran will have little choice or defense should we choose to bomb them, and it matters not at all if they are afraid. Scratch that last part: If they have the good sense to be afraid; they'll likely avoid the situation in the first place.
Again, winning the peace is not necessary to eliminate the WMD threat. Separate the two in your mind, and you'll realize how feeble their chances of winning really are. Frankly, they are Zero. The saber-rattling you hear now is likely all about positioning. I cannot believe they are truly crazy enough to enter a war that only leads to their destruction.