These are the first four commandments.
1. You shall not worship any other god but YHWH.
2. You shall not make a graven image.
3. You shall not take the name of YHWH in vain.
4. You shall not break the Sabbath.
As you can see secular America was not founded on these commandments. There is freedom of religion and a separation of church and state in this country. The first four commandments do not allow for freedom of religion or separation of church and state. If our country was founded on the Ten Commandments then we must have laws that will punish those who practice religions that have Gods other then YHWH, such as the pagans. We mush also punish those who break the Sabbath. We would allow only those religions that believe in the Jewish God to practice their religion in this country. Hindu's would be persecuted. Buddhist would be imprisoned.
God of the Bible is intolerant and kills those who do not believe in him and do as he says. Perhaps we should all follow God's example in the Bible and kill all those who refuse to accept the one true God. That way God will be happy and we will never have to suffer any more Katrina's.
A word on the commandments. It seems there is a conflict as to what the Ten Commandments are. There's a Jewish, Catholic and Protestant version.
So there may be some who will not agree with the four I listed.