Thu 9 Feb, 2006 11:13 am
Fronting for ambulance chasers now? tsk, tsk.
which way for McG to go? segue!
Re: Hastert, Frist said to secretly rig bill for drug firms
How does Hillary feel about all of this? Without her input how can you, as a self-avowed liberal take this seriously?
one might just as easily ask, Sturgis, how you, as a sef avowed homosexual, can speak to or form an opinion on any subject dealing with heterosexuals.
Did that sound stupid? Yup...... so point taken I hope.
I can't say as how I get where you're headed here BVT.
Why would I, or anyone else, ask Hillary anything? I don't give a damn about that lady.
But Hillary is your future if you are a true Democrat...
Sez who? I wouldn't vote for her.
Oh but you's the responsibility of every Democrat to prolong the Clinton Dynasty.
Um, okay, no, it isn't.
You may or may not recall the fact that the Democratic party existed long before the Clintons came on the scene.
I think you are projecting a little here, lol