Fri 25 Apr, 2003 11:10 am
What do you believe are Bush's chances for reelection are in 04. Why?
Right now, if you listen to the polls, it looks like a slam dunk. But between now and 2004, losts of things could happen. The only way the Democrats would have a chance of winning is if they found a candidate who captured the imagination of both the Democrats and the moderate Repubicans.
I could puke, but I think he's in......
It's kinda the same way I feel about the present-day LA Laker basketball team. They're the overwhelming favorites, but I'm gonna cheer like hell against them in the playoffs.
By today's indicators, I chose slam dunk-- but one of the reasons I love political season is because it's so unpredictable.
I love to watch the nutty machine work.
Bush could commit some major screw up; a new voice could emerge...
At this writing, all appears to be going Bushy. The economic indicators are going his way, too.
But, there are some areas where a Dem culd get a good toe hold-- If they were to publicize the Wolfowitz document that pushes for an 'imperialist'-type America and repudiate it with another more peaceable vision for the US as global hegemon-- if someone can come up with a feasible national healthcare plan-- But, if the Dems intend criticise, without a better idea, they may as well stay home.
I think the major problem for the Dems is they are being led by (McAuliffe) a political playah, rather than a man, who is driven by statesmanship, and a vision for a better America.
Hoping for fun and intrigue this election cycle-- but no intriguing chads.
All things being equal (i.e., no new catastrophes), if the economy improves, he's back in. If not--and if it gets much worse--it's a brand-new ballgame.
I think the major problem for the Dems is they are being led by (McAuliffe) a political playah, rather than a man, who is driven by statesmanship, and a vision for a better America.
Which is, I take it, your description of the Republican leadership?
Meanwhile the economy is falling apart, 27 states are red-lined, shutting down schools, curtailing medical care, reducing or eliminating services, rescinding tax breaks for the elderly. The Bush economic agenda of reducing federal budgets by tax breaks for the wealthy balanced by cutting funding for states and communities is breaking the backs of the middle class who have to come up with increased local taxation or lack of services or both. The homeland security, mandated by federal legislation but funded by states and communities, the war on terrorism (axis of evil) funded by further tax cuts (debt to our youngsters). The proposed tax cut voiced by the Bush administration as a means to encourage investment now reworded to "create new jobs by increasing purchase of goods and services" While Bush pushes up the limit on the credit card, we get the bill. This consistent redefining of the Bush agenda (WoMD now not expected to be found although he had hard evidence of their existence) has turned into a redefining of the economic agenda.
True the economy is or has fallen apart. However, as long as Bush can keep the war fever and terrorism scares alive it's a slam dunk. I guess it's the economy stupid has lost it's flavor. If need be N. Korea is always on the back burner.
N Korea, Syria, Cuba......
dyslexia wrote:Meanwhile the economy is falling apart, 27 states are red-lined, shutting down schools, curtailing medical care, reducing or eliminating services, rescinding tax breaks for the elderly. The Bush economic agenda of reducing federal budgets by tax breaks for the wealthy balanced by cutting funding for states and communities is breaking the backs of the middle class who have to come up with increased local taxation or lack of services or both. The homeland security, mandated by federal legislation but funded by states and communities, the war on terrorism (axis of evil) funded by further tax cuts (debt to our youngsters). The proposed tax cut voiced by the Bush administration as a means to encourage investment now reworded to "create new jobs by increasing purchase of goods and services" While Bush pushes up the limit on the credit card, we get the bill. This consistent redefining of the Bush agenda (WoMD now not expected to be found although he had hard evidence of their existence) has turned into a redefining of the economic agenda.
All true, but unfortunately the corporate-controlled media seem determined to keep the public distracted with sensational crime stories
and soap opera instead of news of the vital issues that impinge on our lives.
I read:
And thought "taxes of Evil"
slam dunk
War time approval ratings, plus I think there will be an improvement (maybe just slight) in the economy that will take a lot of the edge off the criticism he faces on economic issues.
Quote:All true, but unfortunately the corporate-controlled media seem determined to keep the public distracted with sensational crime stories
and soap opera instead of news of the vital issues that impinge on our lives
Why blame the media. The information is out there and reported. Unless they are deaf and blind or brain dead people must be aware of the shape of the economy.
I guess consensus is that Bush will be with us through 08.
That means I suppose 4 more years of pissing, moaning and gnashing teeth.
You can't beath somebody with nobody and at the moment there is no democrat that can seriously challange him. The problem is not Bush's stature but rather the lackof serious opposition. The democrats have been in disarray since the 2000 election, have not been able to present a coherant and concessive alternative vision, and it is getting late.
That should have been "beat" not beath
I am thinking this morning Bush's chances may have spiked.
News reports say terrorism is at it's lowest point since 1969. This statistic has far reaching implications in support of many of the questionable decisions Bush has made.
A very strong, irrefutable fact goes in the Bush column.
Wall Street loves Bush right now. Slam-dunk if the market keeps improving.