Armageddon wrote:TeenyBoone pointed out many president's flaws. How astounding that a human put in a position of power might make a mistake. You didn't mention some of our earlier ones, though. Since they were among the first, they are slightly more significant.
Andrew Jackson, who had an interesting, and very questionable, career prior to presidency didn't stop while president, when he raised a militia to murder a US senator (SC-- Doctrine of Nullification was hardly Constitutional, and President Jackson was going to take the manner in to his own hands.)
Licoln suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War, which is guaranteed in Article I, Section IX of the Constitution.
Both of these presidents are still revered today, though rarely in the same place.
Pointing out illicit acts goes nowhere.
For your other points, impeachment is not something to be thrown around lightly. If we look at the two presidents we've impeached before (Johnson and Clinton), we'll see we haven't been the most mature with this right, and should try to learn with time.
It is the president's right as Commander in Chief to declare "Conflict" (though for all intents and purposes, war) on a foreign country, and to wage said war as he chooses. To impeach a president for practicing their rights as president is repeating what the republican party did to Clinton.
Besides, impeachment is probably the worst thing you can do for a country. It suspends almost everything being done, almost all legislations, etc. It has to be worth it. If a president organized a prostitution ring, this would cause for impeachment. If he makes a descision someone disagrees with, this is not cause for impeachment.
*No, I'm not a republican. I do not support Bush. I do, however, support the Constitution.
I respect your answer, however, when referencing Bush as the Commander in Chief, it means he has the power to command the Army and the Navy, nothing else. That is in the constitution too! You also have the telecommunications companies as accomplices, even if they KNOW that his power is limited, which Bush doesn't think is! He thinks he has Absolute Power! No one in this country has that power! We are supposed to be a country of laws, designed to guide our actions accordingly. I can't step into a theatre and yell, "FIRE", even though I am endowed with free speech! It isn't free speech when you keep your population in a state of fear, either! They have gone to the well, too many cries of "wolf", especially those yellow, orange and red alerts, that they don't even bother with anymore because no one is listening! "Be afraid, be very afraid", is the mantra that was spewing forth from the white house every week! Where was homeland security during Katrina? A real disaster! These inept cronies put in place, were to protect us from whom? Why can't this administration hire HAZMAT experts instead of a friends friend? "You're doing a helluva job, Brownie"! Bush didn't even KNOW brownie, why New Orleans and its Black population drowned, starved, accused of everything from looting to rape, which NEITHER happened! It was just the over-imagination of a police authority, run amok! How could reporters get through to the dome, while the National Guard was waiting in Mississippi for orders? While New Orleans drowned! While old people died for lack of medicines and care? While citizens slept on overpasses, no water, no food, for 5 days! This was the ultimate insult! You can go and spread democracy in Iraq, while your own citizens, suffer and die! All of the cash in millions sent to Iraq, with no oversight, because they calimd there were no banks! I saw them go into the hole where the money was kept and come up with bricks of money valued at $100,000, each! You think those Katrina victims couldn't use some of that to have their property cleaned up? No, Halliburton is sitting on fistfuls of our tax dollars instead of doing their job! Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft/Rice/Libby/Rove/DeLay/Abramhoff/Rumsfeld and the many other CROOKS and LIARS should do BIG time for the theft and misuse of the greatest democracy on earth! Christians? Hell no, they should all burn for this! The Red cross should be abolished and let the Salvation Army show them what REAL compassion is!