Fri 3 Feb, 2006 12:37 pm
In the christian camp we have Neo, Lash, Heph, and probably a few others that are actually quite intelligent, all things considered.
But now we have a burgeoning islamic contingent, and it seem's as though they are all completely brain dead. What gives?
You haven't kept up, Doktor S. Lash has now admitted that she is not a Christian.
Those of the Islamic religion are probably too smart to be baited.
What I'm saying is we have quite a few proclaimed muslims now, and they all seem to have the IQ of a retarded house fly.
Lash lost her faith? Neat.
I'd also probably put you on that list, but I forgot about you
Quote:Those of the Islamic religion are probably too smart to be baited
Not worth their time or effort.
Maybe being the the lower recesses of your memory is not a bad thing. :-)
I realize that there are many Muslims now on the site, as is their right. Perhaps they have seen the way that Christians are treated by a supposedly Christian country and would prefer not to expose themselves to the same ridicule.
Everyone has the right to choose and follow the religion of their choice.
I imagine it has a lot more to do with the fact that this site is overwhelmingly populated by Americans, a population for which muslims are the minority. There are probably a great many intelligent muslims. Whether they can show you that intelligence in english and on the internet, I don't know.
Are you kidding me?
Islam is big in the western world now.
It's not just for arabic speaking rag heads anymore.
It's still a minority in the western world. I'm sure there are many many intelligent christians who don't post here, but the shere numbers mean we are more likely to come across one here than we are to come across an intelligent (or well-spoken) muslim. In fact, I'd say the odds of coming across an intelligent anyone on the internet are relatively low considering the size of the general population.
FreeDuck wrote:I imagine it has a lot more to do with the fact that this site is overwhelmingly populated by Americans, a population for which muslims are the minority.
There are now at least 6-8 million Muslims in the US. Still a minority, but certainly growing at a very rapid rate.
The smart ones are considering accepting the west. Well, sort of.
Nobody actually knows how many there are in the US, but the best estimates (US Census and Gallup) appear to put it around 1% of the population. Certainly even if they were as much as 5% they are still a minority.
cjhsa has just given a good example of why you are probably not seeing any Muslims posting in this thread.
Because they can't take a joke, as is being shown across Europe right now.
Attacking someones religion may be a joke to some, but abhorrent to others.
Momma Angel wrote:Arabic speaking rag heads? RAG HEADS?! I love how some would accuse others of discrimination because of a moral belief they have and then turn around and make discriminating remarks against others.
Yep, I'd say this thread is right up there with the Atheists.....Your Life is Pointless thread, wouldn't you? I doubt JC will ever hear the end of posting that because so many atheists were offended by the title of that thread alone.
So, I wonder just how many you have offended by this thread, Doktor S? Being a satanist gives you the right to discriminate whenever YOU feel it is ok? I mean it's ok for YOU to do it because afterall it's all about self and what is beneficial to self?
Glad I never joined your particular set of beliefs for sure.
What's that song by Cyndi Lauper? Oh yeah, True Colors.....come shining through. What a rainbow we are seeing!
Can't take a joke? Ok, I suppose you thought the Atheists....Your Life was Pointless thread was just a joke, right? Or were you also one that took it personally?
Good thing your solid Christian values allow you to forgive and forget such mundane things as 'revenge'.
Actually, I suspect that the Googled stuff that brought them here was not our most high quality religious debate, given the nature of a lot of the recent such debate here on A2k.
That...or there are really good existing sites for intelligent Muslims...or they conduct their discussions through other means.
No revenge is called for as far as I see it. I merely pointed out that I see it as a double standard.
Doktor S obviously feels it is perfectly ok to call people names like he did. It's not. If you are going to call someone on it, it's a good thing not to do it yourself. I should know. I'm guilty of doing it myself at times.
Momma Angel wrote:Questioner,
No revenge is called for as far as I see it. I merely pointed out that I see it as a double standard.
Doktor S obviously feels it is perfectly ok to call people names like he did. It's not. If you are going to call someone on it, it's a good thing not to do it yourself. I should know. I'm guilty of doing it myself at times.
And you're the now-appointed Accountability officer? Didn't know that was an official church office.
You get riled up when people 'label' you, and ask why people can't just let things go. . . then you come and throw gas on the fire with comments like the above. You invite it.
And regardless of if you 'see' it or not, revenge is what it is.