Say you walk into an apartment building and there's a fellow in the lobby who's upset at how long he's been waiting for the elevator and you notice he hasn't pushed the button to call that elevator. Likely, you'd wonder at how the fellow would not catch on regarding the critical relevance (to elevator riding) of that omitted step
Quote:Eager to reduce spending, the Bush administration falsely claimed savings of more than $1.3 billion in the Department of Veterans Affairs to justify cuts to health care services, congressional investigators say.
The report by the Government Accountability Office is the latest to document funding woes at the VA, which currently offers health care to 7 million out of 24 million eligible veterans. It found that the agency used misleading accounting methods and lacked documentation to prove its claimed savings.
Such purposive deceits and misrepresentations from this administration are near daily occurences, when not coming in mulitples per day, that is. The SOTU oil "He wasn't speaking literally" example noted above another in the endless list of examples we all know of, likewise the related cut in research funding also noted above.
And as with that fellow standing in front of the elevator door, you wonder just how it might be that there are folks in the USA who don't quite get the critical relevance to their democracy of leaders being honest with them and the rest of the country.