nimh wrote:In fact, the very article you linked in says something else about the 24,865 civilians who were reported killed in the first two years:
Quote:Who did the killing?
- US-led forces killed 37% of civilian victims.
- Anti-occupation forces/insurgents killed 9% of civilian victims.
- Post-invasion criminal violence accounted for 36% of all deaths.
- Killings by anti-occupation forces, crime and unknown agents have shown a steady rise over the entire period.
So if those percentages have remained stable since, that makes for some 10,500 Iraqi civilians that were killed by the US-led forces themselves.
Ah - slight oversight of mine, here. The fourth bullet point says that "killings by anti-occupation forces, crime and unknown agents have shown a steady rise", so, no, obviously the percentages will not have remained stable since.
However, even the 37% that was definitely attributed to the US-led forces of the 24,865 civilans killed in the first two years already makes for 9,200 victims.
So, basically:
- number of civilians verifiably killed by US-led forces since the military intervention begun, according to the IBC reports: in between 9,200 and 10,500
- total number of civilians verifiably killed since the military intervention begun, according to the IBC database: in between 28,293 and 31,900.
All in all Detano wasnt too far off with his 15,000, especially not if you take the Lancet report (which indeed mentioned the number of 100,000 victims of the war and aftermath) into account as well.