I think when we die we go back to where we came from.
I'm not making any elaborate plans.
snood wrote:Doktor S wrote:nick17 wrote:I believe that when you die you got first to be judged by God, with Our Lady your advocate.
Then you can go to the two extremes, heaven or hell. Or else you will be sent to purgatory to be purified, cleansed, purged, of all your sins by suffering. but with the promise of heaven after.
For the unbaptised who could have gone to heaven but can't because Jesus said "nobody comes to the Father, but through Me". They can go to limbo where they may enjoy earthly happiness, but may not live in the paridise of the Beatific Vision.
Those who truely didnt know about Christ, but had they known they certainly would have been baptised, God may give Baptism of Desire, and for those who are unbaptised but die for Christ (are martyred) God may give Baptism of Blood.
You seriously believe all this to be true?
Personally, I think when we die we are worm food. All the more reason to enjoy this life to it's fullest rather than slumber along waiting for the grave.
Except of course for those of us who find that a belief in a power higher than ourselves enhances our everyday life.
You know what?
I agree.
Agreeing with you is weird. In the future, try to not post anything that I might agree with to avoid possible discomfort or awkwardness. Thanks!
To avoid becoming worm food, I asked my wife to have me cremated and my ash thrown in the Pacific Ocean - to continue my travels after I'm gone.
So instead of being absorbed by worms you'll be absorbed by plancton and kelp.
This is a step up how exactly?
The step up is I don't take burial plot room for the indefinite future.
Well, that's a different kettle of fish, but valid I supose.
I personally couldn't care less what was done with my body once it no longer functions.
Not like I will be upset
where do you go
i have made a decision :
i will refuse to go anywhere !
i've had it with walking ... i'll want to drive !
I wouldn't mind flying...
going ...
c.i. :
you might just fit in ... just sqeeze a little ... and hold on for the ride !
from the 'goodbyemypet' (u.k.) site ... what'll they think of next ?
Pets sounds more welcome than other humans.

I'll finally get to meet my dog that I wanted to get after retirement.
Doktor S wrote:snood wrote:Doktor S wrote:nick17 wrote:I believe that when you die you got first to be judged by God, with Our Lady your advocate.
Then you can go to the two extremes, heaven or hell. Or else you will be sent to purgatory to be purified, cleansed, purged, of all your sins by suffering. but with the promise of heaven after.
For the unbaptised who could have gone to heaven but can't because Jesus said "nobody comes to the Father, but through Me". They can go to limbo where they may enjoy earthly happiness, but may not live in the paridise of the Beatific Vision.
Those who truely didnt know about Christ, but had they known they certainly would have been baptised, God may give Baptism of Desire, and for those who are unbaptised but die for Christ (are martyred) God may give Baptism of Blood.
You seriously believe all this to be true?
Personally, I think when we die we are worm food. All the more reason to enjoy this life to it's fullest rather than slumber along waiting for the grave.
Except of course for those of us who find that a belief in a power higher than ourselves enhances our everyday life.
You know what?
I agree.
Agreeing with you is weird. In the future, try to not post anything that I might agree with to avoid possible discomfort or awkwardness. Thanks!
Yeah, whatever. So anyway, what is Satan to you? Depends on where you stand? A construct of fiction? A state of mind? A great spiritual guide? Can you even dumb it down so a mere mortal can understand your definition?
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Snood wrote
Quote:Yeah, whatever. So anyway, what is Satan to you? Depends on where you stand? A construct of fiction? A state of mind? A great spiritual guide? Can you even dumb it down so a mere mortal can understand your definition?
Satan is a subjective metaphor, as is God.
No matter who constructs the metaphor.
I thought the rainbow bridge led you into Asgard.
Gelisgesti wrote:Snood wrote
Quote:Yeah, whatever. So anyway, what is Satan to you? Depends on where you stand? A construct of fiction? A state of mind? A great spiritual guide? Can you even dumb it down so a mere mortal can understand your definition?
Satan is a subjective metaphor, as is God.
No matter who constructs the metaphor.
thanks. Wasn't asking you, but thanks.
Ideas of post-death like Rainbow Bridge are NOT comforting to me. Just let it go, let it die. lol.
I don't think we go anywhere when we die. "I" die. Bury up my flesh, believe what you like, ....
If I can be a ghost, I'll come back and haunt those who ask where we go. I'll be a ghost who plays tricks. Yeah, that'd be fun.
The dead are meant to be in the land of the dead. The living to pay attention to the living.
HI Gelis, That's a pretty neat post on aninals and rainbow bridge. Thanks.
flushd wrote:Ideas of post-death like Rainbow Bridge are NOT comforting to me. Just let it go, let it die. lol.
I don't think we go anywhere when we die. "I" die. Bury up my flesh, believe what you like, ....
If I can be a ghost, I'll come back and haunt those who ask where we go. I'll be a ghost who plays tricks. Yeah, that'd be fun.
The dead are meant to be in the land of the dead. The living to pay attention to the living.
So if you are going nowhere, did you come from nowhere, as well?
blacksmithn wrote:I thought the rainbow bridge led you into Asgard.
You are correct ... I wonder if it is the same bridge ....
'A Rainbow Bridge went from Asgard, the City of the Gods, to Midgard, the World of Men. But another Rainbow Bridge, more beautiful and more tremulous still, went from Asgard to that root of Ygdrassil under which was Urda's Well. This Rainbow Bridge was seldom seen by men. And where the ends of the two rainbows came together Heimdall stood, Heimdall with the Golden Teeth, the Watcher for the Gods, and the Keeper of the Way to Urda's Well.'