you're considering having your very own Eloise!
well, unless yer the Mrs. CavFancier's toyboy - you've still got a bit of errrrrr wiggle room. Good luck with the thinking and the mulling and debating and thanks for the writing sample! I wonder if hamburger and mrs. hamburger have my essay of the same age where i discuss my life's dream to live on Carnaby Street and wear red velvet underwear. YOIKS!
Heh heh, cool!
"I'll dye my petticoats, dye them red,
around the world I'll beg for bread,
until my parents wish me dead,
Suill, suill, suill a grah."
-old Celtic balllad
Re: Please indulge me, I think I may still be 10 yrs. old...
cavfancier wrote: The USA election came and Jimmy Carter was outvoted. Ronald Reagan was elected. What some people overlook is the zero factor. The zero factor is where any president elected in a year ending in zero has not lasted through his term in office.
Well back to Florida. On the last day there we ate at a Spanish restaurant with live entertainment and excellent food.
I've finished my journey and I have all these pages left. Maybe I can fill them with four letter words. On the other hand...bye!
Thanks for your patience and advice/comments in advance

Funny! Please have children!
Good name... Eloise.