Sun 29 Jan, 2006 09:03 pm
This man has gotten lots of hopes up. This thread is to use to watch and follow his move to win the governorship of MA and then, hopefully, beyond!
He sounds wonderful, on that site. I will be interested to know more about him.
Never heard of him, thanks for the heads-up!
My parents listened to him speak on MLK Jr day. They liked him lots. I don't know much about him, myself. Yet.
The first name is worrying as Republicans can just change one alphabet and bingo his career is over.
Damn, both deval patrick and barack (hussein) obama have name issues....
MY father is going to be a town rep - going to the MA caucus. He'll be putting a vote in for Deval Patrick. More and more signs are popping up in his support.
Other than Patrick's loan and property issues I haven't really heard anything about him.
I'm tempted to vote for Reilly just to get him out of the AG's office...
interesting tact, fishin.
Surely, nobody cares about the name.
As long as it isn't Shirley.
The Gov. in this state has no real power. The State Senate and House are going to do whatever they want to do. All of the other major office (AG, Treasurer, etc..) are elected positions too so whomever is sitting in the Gov's office doesn't have any control over them either (the same goes for the 13 "Authorities" the state has).
I'm tired of Reilly making up "rules" on his own and then only enforcing the laws and rules that he likes (and even those only when he chooses to). Reilly is a screw up from the get-go and has resisted killing himself thusfar (please do us all a favor!) so... he can do the least amount of damage in the Gov's seat.
The MA democratic gubernators had a debate at the kennedy school tonight (just finishing). If anyone is interested, you will be able to find audio at
Just watched it live. Reilly is a fool and Patrick doesn't get it done. Gabreilli is the only one of the three that looks like they'd actually do anything and I hate him. ARRGH!
I thought Gabrielli sounded waaaay too slick. Like the guy you hire to do your advertisements for you.
There is something to that name that might drive people away. If there is spelling error or the opponent deliberately mis-spells his name it could could create an uproar. He should use his other name or is he waiting for an accident to happen?
Looks like Duval may have lost the votes of Massachusetts fishermen, with his recent comments on the industry and the associated economic problems of fishing off the Massachusetts coast. I can't figure out how or why he thinks the way he does about men & women who fish for a living.