... or not, as the case may be.
Have you ever worked in a place that was
truly horrible, a miserable spot where any of the following would happen regularly?
- Nasty reviews
- Bad or no raises
- Harrassing supervisors
- Making people move or switch jobs for little to no reason
- Late, unpredictable hours
- Meaningless paperwork
- Bosses playing favorites
- Bad or badly maintained equipment
- ... insert your own bit o' job-related hell here ...
Anyway, have you ever worked in one of those places, but everyone else there seemed to just
love it?
I worked in insurance for several years, as I transitioned out of the law and into my current IT career. And while I hated insurance, it was (mainly) stable and I could find work doing it, and even in times of the economy being not so hot. The last insurance place I was at, the higher ups would close offices for reasons of economy, but also to be able to lay people off without really laying them off.
Hey, we kept your job open! It's 1,000 miles from where you live and we offer no moving assistance, but we still have a job for you! The higher you got up, the less you knew (but the more decisions you made about) tech, until you got to the top of the company where pretty much no one knew how to do anything but open email, but they sure had a lot of nonsense to say about how tech people such as myself did our work. The raises, if they came, stank. Reviews were an ugly process. Think
Dilbert crossed with
Office Space and you'll get an idea of it.
Yet people there seemed to
love it. And I really mean love, as in wearing company gear and grinning about uprooting their families for the fifth time in as many years. People who had been kicked around for decades and thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. People who toted around ten-year-old heavy "laptops" that were killing their backs and think,
hey, this is the greatest, most cutting-edge tech ever.
So I think they swallowed a lot of Kool-Aid.

Anyone else have any industry tales of the zombie workers who think a 1% raise is generous and feel it's within their bosses' rights to treat 'em like cattle? Or who feel regular sixty-hour weeks are fun, particularly when they don't get paid for anything beyond forty hours?
Bring 'em on. And stay away from the Kool-Aid!