Tue 22 Apr, 2003 06:15 pm
With all the intellectual acumen of a ninth century one-eyed monk, our dearly beloved Newt blasts the only credible, though marginalized, member of the Bush administration:
It's been barely a week since the U.S. took control of Baghdad, but the Pentagon is already embroiled in a new war, this time with the State Department.
The opening salvo was delivered Tuesday morning by the former Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives (1995-98) and member of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, Newt Gingrich, at the neo-conservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Gingrich, who is close to Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, aimed the full fury of his rhetorical fire at the State Department, accusing it of actively subverting President George W. Bush's agenda in Iraq and beyond.
"The last seven months have involved six months of diplomatic failure and one month of military success," Gingrich charged, adding, "Now the State Department is back at work pursuing policies that will clearly throw away all the fruits of hard-won victory."
It was a stunning attack from someone so closely identified with Rumsfeld and the neo-conservative hawks around him. "I've never seen a wholesale attack on America's entire diplomatic establishment like this," said Charles Kupchan, a foreign-policy expert at Georgetown University. "This is fundamentally about ideology and the efforts of the neo-conservatives to institutionalize their victories over the moderate and liberal internationalists."
It also illustrates the degree to which relations between the State Department and the
Hell! And we Australians went into conniptions over what was seen as 'Anti-American' rhetoric! Someone should point out where his constituency is located!
For the full text goto
Dyssie - can you (or anyone) explain what:
"America cannot lead in the age of democracy and 24 hour television"
actually means?
Quote:Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich accused the State Department of undermining President Bush's foreign policy and denounced Secretary of State Colin Powell's plan to go to Syria as "ludicrous".
Gingrich, speaking at the American Enterprise Institute, directed much of his fire Tuesday at the department's Near East Bureau. The institute, a conservative think tank, has helped fill major spots in the Bush administration.
Regarding Powell's trip to Syria, the Republican former House leader said that to meet "with a terrorist-supporting, secret police-wielding dictator is ludicrous.''
The Guardian
Somebody remind Tom DeLay to have Newt investigated for "seditious comments against the government".
and lookie here at that 'ludicrous' Truman!
I think Newt's just jealous - Powell gets all the good seats on the planes...
If you heard the statement made by Newt on C-Span you would know that his remarks were aimed at the beaurocratic culture of the State Dept and he made a point of not making a personal attack on Colin Powell (I'm well aware that Powell is ultimately responsible) All he wants (Newt) is for the State Dept to be streamlined similar to what Rumsfeld has done at Sec Def.
You must admit that State is a broken instrument and has been ever since WWII---recent example: The woman in Saudi Arabia responsible for issuing Visas----she was still willy nilly handing them out to any Saudi well after 9/II----Powell had to personally order her fired after it made big news. Powell has done many things right ----- no thanks to his dept.
Remember also that State is responsible for winning the hearts and minds of those in other countries---would you consider that effort a success?
Another example is the mess in Afghanistan---State is responsible for that effort now. All they've been able to do is cause the rent of any suitable home in Kabul to be exhorbitant and they've ordered fleets of white Range Rovers to rush from one side of Kabul to the other. They wouldn't dare go out into the countryside to see what's really happening.
Oh, that's right, I forgot. Foreign policy is only in the president's sphere of influence when it's working.