Mon 23 Jan, 2006 12:15 pm
What is up with Anthony Wiggle?
He looks really weird these days.
I'm not sure if he's ever NOT freaked me out -- he's the way overenunciaty, buggy-eyed one, isn't he?
Have a recent picture, tho?
The buggy eyed one is Murry.
Anthony is the blue wiggle.
I'm looking for old and current photos. I believe Anthony has had some work done. Something about his mouth... or his teeth... or his jaw.... something about his lower face is different.
I thought it was an imposter Anthony.
Oh, I was thinking of Murray.
This is Anthony:
Haven't seen him lately -- what's up?
The Wiggles in general freak me out....something about men jumping around, dancing, and singing together in such a happy carefree way, just does not appeal to me.
But, these guys are worth millions, married {to females} and keep the children glued to the tv and out of our hair.
The networks have yet to use my idea for a kids show..."The Macho's" starring James Caan, Harvey Keitel, Bruce Willis, and Samuel Jackson.
Quick, somebody give boomer a dose of 60 Minutes. We're losing her....
are all of you talking in code or something?
and what is it about these so called, ahem, "wiggles" that is so disturbing?
I'm all ears.
The Wiggles are a band and a brand. They make giddily infectious music that kids tend to love, and have videos and a TV show with recurring characters, skits, etc. in addition to playing their songs (often accompanied by dancing Austraian moppets). (They're all Australian.)
The Wiggles are 4 grown men with actual first and last names (Anthony Wiggle is actually Anthony Field, for example), but they go by their actual first name + "Wiggle."
I have gone from ew to hey actually not so bad (they slip in some surprising musicality, old obscure folk songs, etc.) to brief addiction (they have a song about the twist that's insanely catchy) to ew again.
i see......
Imagine, if you can, a pirate character that goes by the name "Captain Feathersword."
It goes downhill from there.
Yaya loves them, of course.
Mo digs them too. He likes all of those Austrailian and English shows and I love all the weird vocabulary he picks up from them:
"Mom! There's a man with a parcel (pawwwcul) at the door!"
"It was delightful."
"Don't act all put-upon."
"I was quite pleased."
He's so posh and all.
Kids are way more fun when they do that kind of goofy ****.
But back on topic: Anthony Wiggle looks very different this season. Something's different.
Maybe it's a clone.
I think I mentioned sozlet and signing "dance" and "potty" before. "Dancing potty, what???" Turned out she wanted the Wiggles' "Dance Party" (with Aussie accent).
D'you think he had something done to his teeth?
In the only pictures that seemed recent-ish they seemed bigger and whiter.
(Haven't watched the Wiggles in a while -- something else is on on Nickelodeon at the same time that she likes. Can't think of what. Diego?)
I want me one o' them rescue packs!
Somewhere Mo heard the word "amnesia" the other day.
We were driving home from the grocery and he asked if I'd remembered something to which I relplied that "I forgot".
After a pause he asked if I had "damnbesia".
Eloquent me: "Huh?"
Mo: "Damnbesia. Where you forget things."
I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out which cartoon might have been talking about amnesia.
I think it must be his teeth but it really changes his looks. They're not just whiter. Bigger could be it but they also look.... different... the shape of his face looks different.
Boy, am I glad that we have outgrown the "Wiggles".
I much more preferred "Arthur" and his little sister "DW".
The dude with the rabbit ears freaked me out... You know, the one with a rabbit for a son.
Buster's dad?
DW IS sozlet, btw. Sozlet lacks an older brother to torment, but the rest of it is all there.
(Has Chai run screaming from the room yet?)
Yeah, Buster's dad. Creepy.
Yeah, he's too human, not rabbity enough.
Where do we stand on Spongebob? I'm currently pro.