Sorry to continually be responding with a ridiculous timelag, but
Momma Angel wrote:Infrablue Wrote:
Quote:So, for something to exist, you have to be able to experience it, MA?
Nope. In the case of Charlotte, Sandy, and David, these things do not exist to them because they have not experienced them. They may know of them, but they have not experienced them.
I bolded these two sentences of yours, MA, because I think thats where you have a crucial disconnect. You say "they have not experienced them" - which is still reasonably fair, though not wholly true (they have simply not existed them
in the same way as hearing and seeing people have) - but then you make the jump that, therefore, "these things do not exist to them." And that, of course, is bollocks. They can verify, find out about, and even understand the workings of these things, even if they can not personally experience them (in the traditional way), so of course those things
exist to them.
I think you make this (incorrect) equation for a reason - whether consciously or subconsciously. Your point here, I gather, is that even if there are those who can not experience something and it therefore
does not exist to them, it may well exist - after all, sound does, even if the deaf cant hear it. So why wouldn't, say, God exist - even if many deny his existence because they personally have not experienced it?
But this is where the logical mistake you make, which InfraBlue asks about, trips you up. Just because someone can not experience something, does
not necessarily mean that it doesnt exist to them. Thats true for your (experience of) God, yes. But its not true for sound or colour. And thats where the rub is with your metaphor ... where the substantive difference is. Because colour and sound exist
even if you dont believe in it.