Arella's summary is itself an example of what we're talking about, snood.
Self-serving, recasting what happened to put herself in a better light, etc.
For example, the central conflict went something like:
First, Arella came here guns ablazing, with a prosletyzing kinda vibe. (She's toned that part down considerably, you can look at her earliest posts here -- including her very first one -- to get an idea of the high religious dudgeon she arrived with.) After she got the kinds of responses to that you might imagine, I asked her straight out -- why are you here? Specifically, I said:
sozobe wrote:There is a persistent undercurrent here; that you feel your work here is to bring us unbelievers into the fold. Why did you first show up at A2K? Why is your participation overwhelmingly in the area of religion? You have repeatedly said that your own faith is unshakeable, that you are not re-examining it, that you are in no danger of changing your mind; what is your goal in putting so much time and energy into these discussions, then?
I ask these questions not because I personally am offended in any way, but because this undercurrent is a big part of the reaction you garner here, and if you'd like to outright deny it, here is your chance.
Her response to that was:
Arella Mae wrote:[...] But, is my intent to bring unbelievers into the fold? I am really ashamed to say this, but no. I know I should be trying to do that and yes, I'd be thrilled if someone did believe but I can't convert anyone.
That is what she answered -- yet, this is what she had written on another site shortly before she said so.
on another site, Arella Mae wrote wrote:
Hi Everyone!
How has God blessed me today? He sent me some real angels! Some know me from A2K, some don't. It's getting rough on that forum. The non-believers are really rebelling against God's word. I think those of you that post on A2K realize that.
I am asking if any of you do go to A2K and post in the Spirituality & Religion Forums, please DO NOT post in the threads that the atheists start that clearly are to mock the Lord! If we stay out of those threads, they will die from their own evil.
And those of you that do not post on, I encourage you to do so. We are in a spiritual war today. We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies.
I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! We can all do that by finding others to come here. But, please, please, do not PM or directly ask anyone on A2K to join SpiritWarriors. That's against the TOS. I am in contact with a lot of the Christians there and I am telling them about this site to get them to come here.
We have to put forth our best Christlike armor we can my brothers and sisters in Christ. The Beast knows that his time is short and he grows angry. [..]
Love in Christ,
Momma Angel
And this is what she wrote after she said so:
Arella Mae wrote:We are in a spiritual war today. We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies.
I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! [..] We have to put forth our best Christlike armor we can my brothers and sisters in Christ. The Beast knows that his time is short and he grows angry. [..]
I am telling everyone about this site and trying to help get more to register. We can be a mighty army for the Lord.
So on either side of her denial that she was prosletyzing/ trying to convert people, she said on another site that it was exactly what she was doing.
That by itself, fine, not great but whatever.
What has been infuriating is the martyr complex and "who me?" and wounded, misunderstood innocent stuff that she has pulled ever since. She is someone who loves blank slates -- but then scribbles the same thing over and over. I understand that unless you've seen those repeated scribbles in action, it might not seem so bad. And it's not SO bad. More

