Can You Make Me See Red?

Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 06:33 am
ehBeth wrote:
That whole episode was pivotal in my reconsideration of my personal religious thinking.


Momma Angel was an authority for you on what religion is all about? Enough so that she changed your personal religious thinking? I'm speechless, and that's saying something.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 07:44 am
She avoided the truth, like you are avoiding responding to the links I brought to answer your question, snood.

You wanted to see it so badly. You expect olga to respond. Don't you think you should?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 08:32 am
Arella's summary is itself an example of what we're talking about, snood.

Self-serving, recasting what happened to put herself in a better light, etc.

For example, the central conflict went something like:

First, Arella came here guns ablazing, with a prosletyzing kinda vibe. (She's toned that part down considerably, you can look at her earliest posts here -- including her very first one -- to get an idea of the high religious dudgeon she arrived with.) After she got the kinds of responses to that you might imagine, I asked her straight out -- why are you here? Specifically, I said:

sozobe wrote:
There is a persistent undercurrent here; that you feel your work here is to bring us unbelievers into the fold. Why did you first show up at A2K? Why is your participation overwhelmingly in the area of religion? You have repeatedly said that your own faith is unshakeable, that you are not re-examining it, that you are in no danger of changing your mind; what is your goal in putting so much time and energy into these discussions, then?

I ask these questions not because I personally am offended in any way, but because this undercurrent is a big part of the reaction you garner here, and if you'd like to outright deny it, here is your chance.

Her response to that was:

Arella Mae wrote:
[...] But, is my intent to bring unbelievers into the fold? I am really ashamed to say this, but no. I know I should be trying to do that and yes, I'd be thrilled if someone did believe but I can't convert anyone.

That is what she answered -- yet, this is what she had written on another site shortly before she said so.

on another site, Arella Mae wrote wrote:

Hi Everyone!

How has God blessed me today? He sent me some real angels! Some know me from A2K, some don't. It's getting rough on that forum. The non-believers are really rebelling against God's word. I think those of you that post on A2K realize that.

I am asking if any of you do go to A2K and post in the Spirituality & Religion Forums, please DO NOT post in the threads that the atheists start that clearly are to mock the Lord! If we stay out of those threads, they will die from their own evil.

And those of you that do not post on Able2know.com, I encourage you to do so. We are in a spiritual war today. We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies.

I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! We can all do that by finding others to come here. But, please, please, do not PM or directly ask anyone on A2K to join SpiritWarriors. That's against the TOS. I am in contact with a lot of the Christians there and I am telling them about this site to get them to come here.

We have to put forth our best Christlike armor we can my brothers and sisters in Christ. The Beast knows that his time is short and he grows angry. [..]

Love in Christ,

Momma Angel

And this is what she wrote after she said so:

Arella Mae wrote:
We are in a spiritual war today. We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies.

I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! [..] We have to put forth our best Christlike armor we can my brothers and sisters in Christ. The Beast knows that his time is short and he grows angry. [..]

I am telling everyone about this site and trying to help get more to register. We can be a mighty army for the Lord.

So on either side of her denial that she was prosletyzing/ trying to convert people, she said on another site that it was exactly what she was doing.

That by itself, fine, not great but whatever.

What has been infuriating is the martyr complex and "who me?" and wounded, misunderstood innocent stuff that she has pulled ever since. She is someone who loves blank slates -- but then scribbles the same thing over and over. I understand that unless you've seen those repeated scribbles in action, it might not seem so bad. And it's not SO bad. More Rolling Eyes than Evil or Very Mad.
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 09:34 am
Lash, can you find the email she sent to the God Squad about my pending 'discussion' with Heph?
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 09:38 am
J_B wrote:
Lash, can you find the email she sent to the God Squad about my pending 'discussion' with Heph?

Never mind, I found it.

In a bulk email that included Lash:
My bulk email:

Some of you know that I post on the Spirituality & Religion forum on Able2know.com as do some of you.

Recently, a new poster, Hephzibah has joined us. She is a very strong Christian in the Lord. She is issuing a challenge right now to another poster (a non-believer) who says there are many contradictions in the Bible. She is ready to do battle for the Lord in this. I am asking that everyone please say a prayer for her. Pray that God gives her the wisdom and understanding she will need in this endeavor.

I know that everyone will understand my asking for this prayer, as you all know I am a Christian and God is the biggest part of my life. I thank all of you for your support!

Momma Angel
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 09:42 am
As the 'non-believer' in question, this REALLY PISSED ME OFF. At the time I told heph I was up to my eyeballs in work-related projects but would be back as soon as I had the time to begin our discussion on Paul.

By the time I returned to A2K all hell had broken loose with Momma and the other site and Lash posted this email. I was so disgusted I never did have the convo with heph or post much of anything on this forum for months.

Snood, you tell me... given what you've seen of how I interact with people on A2K, how do you think this made me feel?
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 10:52 am
Thanks, J_B. I've been in and out of class and work this morning, or I would have been glad to post it.

I appreciate soz and you and others for just saying what happened.

We were referred to as the Beast, lost, and all manner of other insulting, judgmental epithets. That doesn't really hurt anybody, but her refusal to take ownership of her behavior, coupled with her nonchalant continuance as some holier than thou Sunday School teacher is more than I can or will tolerate.

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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 11:05 am
Thomas wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
That whole episode was pivotal in my reconsideration of my personal religious thinking.


Momma Angel was an authority for you on what religion is all about? Enough so that she changed your personal religious thinking? I'm speechless, and that's saying something.

I'm not ehBeth, or squinney, but I would like to share how the person who used to be Momma Angel has caused me to decide not to identify myself as a Christian. I had previously had problems with some Biblical passages, and I voiced those here. I was already unhappy to be labelled with a group that, for the most part, wants to run other's lives, condemn others to death, and live hypocritically.

When I received an e-mail from her saying that I should know, as a Christian, that we're in a war with non-believers--and it's Us against Them--I was enraged. We had been quite friendly to that point, and I immediately told her what I thought about her statement, and never to PM me again.

Then, we find her "massing her troops" on another thread, repleat with insults against the membership, and exhortations to overrun this place--to do battle with the "Beast."

Had she copped to it, it would likely be over. But, in what I now view as true Christian style, she lied in our faces. I feel like the Christians had a meeting when I wasn't around, and decided to perpetrate evil in the name of Jesus Christ. They hurt people, they lie, they tell you how to live, while they hide what they do.

I'm not chucking my whole belief system, but I won't call myself a Christian again. I have too much repect for it's namesake.
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 11:53 am
Lash wrote:
I won't call myself a Christian again. I have too much repect for it's namesake.

Same here.

I'd still like to know how she'd feel living under an Islamic theocracy. Keep in mind Momma, the only difference in the story is in how they perceive Jesus.
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 12:04 pm
Here's my take, from what I've seen of this so far...

I think Arella should have come out with an admission earlier as to what she was doing - the true nature of it, the same as she was explaining it to her 'SpiritWarriors'. The references to "putting on our armor" and doing battle with the "beast" - though common jargon among some fundie Christians, is not a pleasant or desirable way to hear oneself and one's discussion forum described. The fact that she denied it, then minimalized it has hurt her credibility. If she really doesn't understand how, and is not just acting like she doesn't understand, then she needs to think about it some more.

I understand the depth of feeling (anger, hurt, disgust) some are showing about this - it has to do with being lied to by someone representing herself as a warrior for ultimate good, and someplace in us that just makes us fighting mad. I get that.

Though I think its right for her to be held accountable for what she did, I think I will continue to treat her and react to her as an individual with a valid point of view, and I will continue to be her friend. I don't stop being friends with people because they fu*k up. I try to be honest with them, I realize that I fu*k up sometimes myself, and life goes the hell on.


The one here who is pushing this whole "make her be accountable" thing the hardest is the one I feel least qualified to be pushing anything of the sort. This person, while having a certifiable fit because of some inappropriate personal things I said to her, has never apologized or taken responsibility for some of the most nasty things ever said to me on this forum. I posted months ago some really bad statements about Lash's physical health. I also called her a drunk. When I really got with myself and considered what I'd said, I had to apologize for what I'd said. It was wrong, and I haven't said anything that bad before, or since.

On the other hand, during that same period of time, Lash called me a "miserable dry drunk" who "probably would be improved by a drink". She said this knowing full well that I have celebrated 14 years as a recovering alcoholic. She also took my chosen career path - professional counseling - and trashed it - saying things about how I'd be a joke of a counselor, and why. these things were equally ugly and nasty. These things hurt, and were intended to hurt. Lash never apologized - never took any responsibility. It is this picture of Lash I have in my mind when she comes off like the high prosecutor against someone else.

On two separate occasions, Lash has dug and dug through, and reposted past posts of mine - trying desperately hard to show two individuals how I have insulted and offended them. On both occasions, both individuals read all that she could find, and calmly explained that they hadn't taken offense. The imagined "offenses" hadn't even happened to her, but she was the only one out there leading a one woman show, trying to stir up a shyt storm about them.

I'm not sure exactly what Lash's impetus is for the things she does, and I really don't care. But I can't take her endless indignation at an endless list of things seriously. And in my mind she deserves the least respect of anyone on this forum - and that's exactly what she gets from me.
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 12:47 pm
snood wrote:
Excellent question squinney - about why all the vitriol toward Arella. If she was the kind of unrepentant, in your face bible thumping evangelist I'd think she was if I never had any personal exchanges with her (by personal I just mean back and forth within these discussions), I might have problems with her, as well. I don't like things jammed down my throat. But she hasn't ever seemed to me as deserving of the kind of jumping up and down that some seem to heap on her. She says things that some find misinformed and just plain wrong (as do we all), but rather than just state where they disagree, they seem to ascribe a kind of sinister ulterior to her that I just ain't seein.

Snood, I have no interest in bashing Momma. You indicated you didn't understand the vitriol and could understand it and have problems with her yourself under certain circumstances. What we've tried to do is to answer your question with the evidence of why we feel the way we do. The way you yourself said you would feel under the same circumstances.
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:12 pm
...and I've tried to explain that I understand the vitriol, now that it's been explained to me.
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:24 pm
snood wrote:

The one here who is pushing this whole "make her be accountable" thing the hardest is the one I feel least qualified to be pushing anything of the sort.

My qualification is that I hate what she did.

This person, while having a certifiable fit because of some inappropriate personal things I said to her, has never apologized or taken responsibility for some of the most nasty things ever said to me on this forum.
I take full responsibility for everything I said. I was not, nor am I sorry, that I responded in kind after you said weird, personal stuff about my health. If I said I was sorry, I'd be lying. Had I insulted you out of the blue, with no reason, I'm sure I would have apologized, because I have never in my life made such a comment to anyone. I can't imagine any scenario that would compel me to do it again. Of course, I never thought anyone would make fun of an illness that ruined a portion of my life, and that was related to my husband's fatal illness. I went for what I knew. Maybe you learned a lesson about kitchens and heat...

I posted months ago some really bad statements about Lash's physical health. I also called her a drunk. When I really got with myself and considered what I'd said, I had to apologize for what I'd said. It was wrong, and I haven't said anything that bad before, or since.
It's always admirable to apologize, especially when the person apologizing makes a committment to themselves not to repeat what they're apologizing for.
On the other hand, during that same period of time, Lash called me a "miserable dry drunk" who "probably would be improved by a drink". She said this knowing full well that I have celebrated 14 years as a recovering alcoholic.
No, that wasn't on the "other hand." That was the same hand. My comment came directly after and because of your rude comment about my personal health. You must know once you open a door, anything and everything that comes through is what you let out. Frankly, I'm amazed that you are whining about it. You've been here long enough to know if you get very prsonal with someone, the odds are they will respond in kind. Just because you're ultra sensitive about alcoholism doesn't mean it's more insulting to you than your comment about my health was to me. You don't seem to get that.

She also took my chosen career path - professional counseling - and trashed it - saying things about how I'd be a joke of a counselor, and why. these things were equally ugly and nasty.
I remember one comment, and while it was negative, it doesn't fit your hyperbolic description. Show my comment or retract your statement.

These things hurt, and were intended to hurt.
Yes. This happens when you attack other people. I suppose your low remarks about me were meant to be edifying. You're incredibly egocentric for an adult.

Lash never apologized - never took any responsibility. It is this picture of Lash I have in my mind when she comes off like the high prosecutor against someone else.
I do take responsibility. Certainly, had I lied to you, I'd need to admit it, or suffer all manner of indignities. However, I didn't.
On two separate occasions, Lash has dug and dug through, and reposted past posts of mine - trying desperately hard to show two individuals how I have insulted and offended them.
On one occasion, he asked someone to explain what they meant about snood being sarcastic. I happened to know what that poster meant, and was happy to find the posts. I did not have to dig. They were very easy to find. On the other occasion, if I'm correct, snood challenged someone to show him where he sneered on the thread. I obliged him. He seemed not to really want someone to find it..

On both occasions, both individuals read all that she could find, and calmly explained that they hadn't taken offense. The imagined "offenses" hadn't even happened to her, but she was the only one out there leading a one woman show, trying to stir up a shyt storm about them.
I responded to snood's requests for assistance in finding posts. He never even thanked me.
I'm not sure exactly what Lash's impetus is for the things she does, and I really don't care. But I can't take her endless indignation at an endless list of things seriously. And in my mind she deserves the least respect of anyone on this forum - and that's exactly what she gets from me.
Coming from you, that means ...nothing.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:27 pm
Lash wrote:
I'm not chucking my whole belief system, but I won't call myself a Christian again. I have too much repect for it's namesake.

Interesting. I don't have this problem with Christianity because I gave it up over 10 years ago. But I can imagine a parallel in politics. There's lots of wackos out there who call themselves libertarians. I very strongly resent those people, and don't like the bad name they are giving us. But I'd never think of surrendering the name `libertarian' to them. We already did something similar in the 1920s and 30s, when we let the enemies of liberalism appropriate its name. Maybe the same is happening with Christians now. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I hope it works for you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:29 pm
Thank you.

I plan to look up a Unitarian Church or some such when I move.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:44 pm
You're so good at recalling and digging up things Lash, I challenge you to take an honest look at the original exchange you and I had. My remark couldn't have been "out of the blue" either. It would take a crazy person to go that low, for no reason at all, and I ain't crazy.

Since you probably won't look into it, as it might upset the tidy scenario you present, in which you are wronged and justified in whatever nastiness you retaliate with, I will look into it. I just don't have the time or energy to do it very quickly.

And for the record you are a bald faced liar in suggesting you were just trying to "help" by finding the posts you thought to smear me with. Call it what it was. Your motive was just to continue to hurt me - as long, and in as many ways as you can. Why can't you just own that?

You are wrong about me in a lot of ways, but I expect that you have no interest in knowing that. For some reason, it is easier for you to maintain the level of (insert word here equalling a pungent mixture of disgust, and dismissal) that characterizes every exchange we have.

I'll spend an afternoon sometime digging up all the nasty insulting invective you've heaped on several people - which by the way you probably are sanguine in the knowledge that they all deserve.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 02:07 pm
snood wrote:

And for the record you are a bald faced liar in suggesting you were just trying to "help" by finding the posts you thought to smear me with.
Snood. <sigh> I think you may be the only one here who didn't pick up on what I meant. Yes, I wanted you to have to face what you had said both times. It was like the Gary Hart challenge. "I dare you to find me having an affair"... and when they do... "Hey, that's my private life!!" Don't issue the challenge if you can't accept the result. You acted as though you hadn't sneered--or you couldn't comprehend why someone would say you're sarcastic. I very simply brought the posts you were asking other people to bring. I can't smear you by showing your own posts, snood.

Call it what it was. Your motive was just to continue to hurt me - as long, and in as many ways as you can. Why can't you just own that?

My motive was to show you what you asked to see. It's not as complicated as y9ou make it seem. And, actually, I can see why you'd rather think it's some big long-term conspiracy. That removes you from all responsibility. Why didn't you just say-- Well damn. I did sneer. I would have respected that a bit, and it would have ended there. Why don't you just admit it, snood? All I did was meet your challenges.

You are wrong about me in a lot of ways, but I expect that you have no interest in knowing that. For some reason, it is easier for you to maintain the level of (insert word here equalling a pungent mixture of disgust, and dismissal) that characterizes every exchange we have.
I respond to your posts.
I'll spend an afternoon sometime digging up all the nasty insulting invective you've heaped on several people - which by the way you probably are sanguine in the knowledge that they all deserve.
You will never catch me being anything but a bit humilated by the calibre of comments that I've made. I've gone back several times over the years, and reread. I certainly do regret many of my comments. I usually apologize in private if I think I should. I am not under any delusions about who I am, what I do, and what many people may think about it. I am thankful beyond measure that since my husband died, I have felt a increase in my self-control, and I am becoming, bit by bit, less horrified with my manner of interaction.
But, hey, knock yourself out.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 02:16 pm
Damn, Craven.

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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 02:57 pm
snood wrote:
...and I've tried to explain that I understand the vitriol, now that it's been explained to me.

Ok, thanks.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 03:24 pm
what I want to know is how moma angel managed to change names.. I can't do that....
0 Replies

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