thank you Joe. Don't forget to tip your server.
woiyo wrote:Lord Ellpus wrote:woiyo wrote:Lord Ellpus wrote:woiyo wrote:"National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an opportunity to strengthen our resolve in creating a society where every life has meaning and our most vulnerable members are protected and defended including unborn children, the sick and dying, and persons with disabilities and birth defects."
Beside you supporting a womens right to kill her unborn child, which of the other listed catagories do you think should not be taken care of?
It's not the sentiment,'s the person who's spouting them.
Maybe he should go and declare such a day in Fallujah?
So, if someone else made the Proclamation, you would support it?
If you want my honest opinion, declaring any day to be a special day, is such an American thing.
These wonderful sentiments that are being tarnished by being uttered from such an imbecile, should have been in place ANYWAY, and shouldn't need some failed businessman/fake cowboy to come up with the idea as if it was a brand new concept.
Shameless spin, and you know it. If you don't know it, you should.
I understand perfectly that this is just more political BS. I just found your response, a direct jab at GW, to be interesting.
Would yuou have made the same statement if Tony Blair made this proclamation?
I won't be sidetracked on to my views re. Tony B-liar, other than to say that you can check all of my posts where the words Blair, Bliar or B-liar are included, where you will soon work out that I think Bliar is Bush's intelligent twin.
you lost me at intelligent although I don't doubt he's the smarter of the two.
Basically, I abhor shameless and cynical political spin and whether it comes from the left or right, it makes no difference.
What that politician is basically implying is that he can manipulate my feelings towards him. In other words, he is treating me like a gullible moron.
Now....when this particular schpeel has been spouted by a warmongering politician whose prime directives in life seem to be self interest, power through fear and cronyism, I find it particularly obnoxious.
I thought I had reached my height of disgust for W. Then I found this out. "Blatant political pandering" is bad. Making a declaration like this that does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is pointless. Doing it on the anniversay of Roe v. Wade is simply insulting.
But what really, REALLY gets my goat is that this a**hole...this "less than a man" president of ours has the sheer nerve to dedicate a day to the "sanctity of life" after he's killed tens of thousands of civillians and thousands of our own troops in a war against a country that was no real threat to us in the first place.
THAT is gall.
Joe Nation wrote:Quote:When we seek to advance science and improve our lives, we must always preserve human dignity and remember that human life is a gift from our Creator.
Is this a proclamation or a sermon?
always hard to tell with ol' g.w.
slkshock7 wrote:Well, maybe with Alito on the SC, he won't have to commemorate Roe v. Wade for much longer.
hah! and then they'll find something that you favor to go after.
just wait... it'll happen.
once you let the government start dictating your life, it's all over.
can anyone doubt the machine is revving up to abolish abortion and they'll stop at nothing including stacking the courts for that specific purpose?
and this one liner from the leader of the party that keeps blocking any move towards insuring that all americans have reasonable healthcare;
"These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children," the president said.
DontTreadOnMe wrote:and this one liner from the leader of the party that keeps blocking any move towards insuring that all americans have reasonable healthcare;
"These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children," the president said.
that's why medicaid will stop paying for some of my son's services come March. Part of the cutbacks. This is what happens in the real world. My son is losing needed benefits that I can't afford to provide and neither can he because he is largely unemployable due to his disabilities. F*ck that smug bastard. (not my cub)
"These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children," the president said.
You can tell when people truly care about helping the vulnerable by how many of them they've adopted into their care.