Phoenix32890 wrote:Doctor S- Ah, the wonders of Google. When you first described yourself as a Satanist, I assumed (you know what happens when you assume
) that what you were referring to was the worship of the Christian concept of Satan. To me, that sort of practice was merely the flip side of Christianity......................a way of rebelling against the dictates of Christianity.
In a way it really is the flip side of christianity, but not the way most people think. Satanism posits an autotheistic outlook, which for all intents and purposes is atheistic.
The only problem, was that what you were saying, did not fit into my concept, and I believe the concept of many others, concerning Satanism. You were so reasonable, so rational in your approach, that I found myself shaking my head. I had always thought of Satanists as a group of young, rebellious kooks. You had never explained what it meant to you to be a Satanist.
Satanism demands study, not worship <--old Satanic truism.
Well, I looked up Satanist, and found this, which is really consonant with the way in which I perceive you.[/color][/b]
Quote:It is important to realize that the Satan that they recognize has few if any points of similarity with the historical Muslim or Christian concept of Satan. The Satanists' concept of Satan is pre-Christian, and derived from the Pagan image of power, virility, sexuality and sensuality. To almost religious Satanists, Satan is a force of nature, not a living quasi-deity. Their Satan has nothing to do with Hell, demons, pitchforks, sadistic torture, buying people's souls, demonic possession, performing miracles, human sacrifices, cannibalism, and profoundly evil deeds.
Yes. Satan means a lot of things to the Satanist really. There is the literal meaning, adversary, opposer, or acuser. There is Satan the miltonian/faustian archetype (who happens to be a good representative for Satanic ideals) Some enjoy labeling the dark unconscious quantum-backdrop to reality 'satan' (I myself do not)
The funny thing, is that in all this time, I don't think that I have seen anyone ask you as to what your views are. I have a sneaking suspicion that many people thought as I did, that this Satanism was simply a reaction against Christianity. (Your earlier avatar seemed to solidify this idea) Now I realize that it isn't. Would you please describe as how you perceive your world view?
Well. I tend to agree with Satanic philosophy as laid out by Anton LaVey, however the nature of Satanism calls for study, growth, and ascension. Likewise, my philosophy grows. I like neitszche a lot, wittgenstein, camus, rand, and of course the further study of critical thinking and propositional logic. Et al.
I've ended up a bit of an elitist. Socially, I am against egalitarianism and call for a meritocracy where those that couldn't pull their weight would be cut loose. People would be judged on performance, and results.
I am also for eugenics.
Any other questions?
(I'm my own favorite subject)