This I suppose has something to do with fighting terrorism
White House Won't Release Details Of Abramoff Visits
POSTED: 7:43 pm EST January 17, 2006
WASHINGTON -- The White House is refusing to reveal details of lobbyist Jack Abramoff's visits with President George W. Bush's staff.
According to Press Secretary Scott McClellan, Abramoff had "a few" such meetings. But the spokesman won't say when or with whom. Nor will he say which interests Abramoff was representing -- or how he got access to the White House.
Abramoff pleaded guilty two weeks ago to mail fraud and tax evasion charges in an influence-peddling scandal that's involved a dozen-plus members of Congress.
Abramoff was also a top fundraiser for Bush's re-election campaign -- and attended two holiday receptions at the White House.
Earlier McClellan promised a "thorough" report on the lobbyist's meetings with White House staff. But now he says he won't go beyond previous comments.