Is the bible reliable?

Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 02:11 pm
The Bible is unreliable right from the begining, when it gives an incorrect
order for creation in Genesis 1:3-26. It doesn't work even if you assume that a day was a billion years.

Day 1: Light created and separated from darkness (separated by what?)
Day 2: Waters above separated from waters below by sky.
Day 3: Water gathered together, dry land appeared and produced seed bearing plants and fruit trees.
Day 4: Sun, moon and stars created.
Day 5: Fish and birds created.
Day 6: Land animals and man and woman created.

(Genesis 2:4-7 gives a somewhat different version: Man was formed on day 3, before creating plants, animals or rain.)

If we compress the history of the universe into one year, the actual order is as follows:

Jan 1 - Big Bang, light ~300,000 years later
March - Milky Way galaxy forms
Aug. - Sun and planets form, water from bombardment
Sept. - First life
Nov. - Multi-cellular organisms
Dec 17 - Vertebrates, fish
Dec 18 - Land plants
Dec 21 - Insects
Dec 24 - Dinosaurs
Dec 25 - Mammals
Dec 27 - Birds
Dec 31 - Apes, modern humans at 11:54 pm
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 02:19 pm

Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the Law. He was the Law. Now, there are many that believe we are still under Mosaic law and there are those that believe we are not. I believe we are not. I have posted the sites that explain why I believe we are not under the law.

There will always be different interpretations, but I believe there is just one meaning. I don't think any of us have it 100% right.
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 02:22 pm
Momma wrote:
I have posted the sites that explain why I believe we are not under the law.

I could probably find a site on the internet that would agree with just about anything. But what do YOU think? Why do you think that Jesus was the fulfillment of the law?
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 02:32 pm
I believe Jesus was the fulfillment of the law because He took the punishment for the old laws. We no longer have to face that punishment. He is our intercessory with God. God sees us through Jesus Christ and He does not see us as the sinners we are (for those that believe in sin.)
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real life
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 02:50 pm
Terry wrote:

(Genesis 2:4-7 gives a somewhat different version: Man was formed on day 3, before creating plants, animals or rain.)

Where does Gen 2:4-7 say that Man was formed on Day 3?

Moses, in the Book of Genesis wrote:

4These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

5And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

6But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

It's simply not there.

In fact, Gen 2 gives NO chronological order of the six days of Creation whatsoever.
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 03:55 pm
Christ was the fullfillment of the LAW. It is important to distingush the break(break as in from one to another not breaking of the covenant) in the Bible. I will return with text on all of them; but what we are most conserned with, in this topic, is the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:8-10. Hebrews, unlike most NT text was writen to the Christian Jews. From the time of Abraham the Jews have always been in a Covenant with GOD.
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Doktor S
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 07:18 pm
real life wrote:

If your side wins, they begin governing with their agenda, right?

Why do you act as if this were not the case?

Quite simple really. My 'side' composes of me, so my politics are defined by me. Your 'side' is little more than the vast majority of the unintelligent and/or untrained thinkers adopting a dangerous and ultimately untenable prefabricated position.
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 08:05 pm
I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had time to really keep up.

I hope to soon get to the direct questions posted by
Questioner on page 10 and Terry on page 12.

I'll explain why there should be agreement between believers on certain doctrines, focusing on the main ones mentioned: hell and homosexuality.

I don't know if I can do it in one post. It seems rather long and I know how some folks don't like to read. Hopefully I'll begin to make headway early in the week.
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 08:50 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
I believe Jesus was the fulfillment of the law because He took the punishment for the old laws. We no longer have to face that punishment. He is our intercessory with God. God sees us through Jesus Christ and He does not see us as the sinners we are (for those that believe in sin.)

Christ as an intercessory to excuse OT atrocity is one that you use quite often to excuse old testament atrocity. How does Christ intercede between God and the sinner when Christ and God are one? (trinity)

The way that I understand this myth is that God had a list of about 600 things that really torqued him. The list included nearly everything that was pleasurable to man. Periodically God had severe tantrums and went about smiting, sometimes cities, sometimes nations, and once the entire planet.

Then one day God decides to send a son down to earth. He goes about this by impregnating a betrothed virgin which seems a particularly nasty thing to do in those days. Fast forward thirty years and son is going around preaching a whole new mantra for the son is not exactly a chip off the old block. "Give your money to the poor", he says. "This vengeance thing is all wrong. Can't we all just hold hands and get along?"

This new kind of talk is upsetting to the priests and they arrange to have him executed in a particularly horrific way. But wait, this was all God's plan and the killing was just a not really type thing that was necessary to make God forgive the things that really torque him off. This forgiveness has a catch though. In order to be forgiven you first have to believe this story. What an evil wicked mind that God has.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 08:58 pm

He is God. We are not. He gets to make the rules. He created us. We did not create Him (no matter what some believe). I am sorry that you don't see God for what He really is instead of what you think He is.
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real life
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 09:14 pm
Doktor S wrote:
real life wrote:

If your side wins, they begin governing with their agenda, right?

Why do you act as if this were not the case?

Quite simple really. My 'side' composes of me, so my politics are defined by me. Your 'side' is little more than the vast majority of the unintelligent and/or untrained thinkers adopting a dangerous and ultimately untenable prefabricated position.

Well, DS, my understanding of your belief system is that you define yourself as god, correct?

It's really not my fault if you can't get anyone but you to believe that. So your group seems destined to remain small for quite some time to come.

Tough luck, eh?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 09:27 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

He is God. We are not. He gets to make the rules. He created us. We did not create Him (no matter what some believe). I am sorry that you don't see God for what He really is instead of what you think He is.

I see him the way his character is portrayed in the Bible. If you feel I made an error in my paraphrasing, feel free to point it out.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 09:50 pm

You have only pointed out in the Bible what you feel are atrocities. You don't consider why these things were done. You don't consider the New Covenant of God. You pick out what you think proves God is. You only look at part of the picture. How can you know if you don't consider the whole picture? You obviously do not have the same concept of God that I amd many others do. You only consider one portion.
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 11:46 pm
there is no God. I think We are not. some think He gets to make the rules. and that He created us. We did create Him (no matter what some believe). I am sorry that you see my God for what He really is instead of what I think He is.

See Ma... easy to pluck words outa the air and write em down.
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2006 11:52 pm
Done a bit more plucking.

I have only pointed out in the Bible what I feel are not atrocities. I don't consider why these things were done. I do consider the New Covenant of my God. I pick out what I think proves God is. I only look at part of the picture. How can I know if I don't consider the whole picture? You obviously do not have the same concept of my God that I and many others do. I only consider one portion
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 12:20 am
real life wrote:
Doktor S wrote:
real life wrote:

If your side wins, they begin governing with their agenda, right?

Why do you act as if this were not the case?

Quite simple really. My 'side' composes of me, so my politics are defined by me. Your 'side' is little more than the vast majority of the unintelligent and/or untrained thinkers adopting a dangerous and ultimately untenable prefabricated position.

Well, DS, my understanding of your belief system is that you define yourself as god, correct?

It's really not my fault if you can't get anyone but you to believe that. So your group seems destined to remain small for quite some time to come.

Tough luck, eh?

That you are totally oblivious is congruent with your philosophical position in general. No surprise here.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 09:08 am
Doktor S wrote:
real life wrote:
Doktor S wrote:
real life wrote:

If your side wins, they begin governing with their agenda, right?

Why do you act as if this were not the case?

Quite simple really. My 'side' composes of me, so my politics are defined by me. Your 'side' is little more than the vast majority of the unintelligent and/or untrained thinkers adopting a dangerous and ultimately untenable prefabricated position.

Well, DS, my understanding of your belief system is that you define yourself as god, correct?

It's really not my fault if you can't get anyone but you to believe that. So your group seems destined to remain small for quite some time to come.

Tough luck, eh?

That you are totally oblivious is congruent with your philosophical position in general. No surprise here.

Oblivious? No.

Unsympathetic? In this instance, yes.

The political system requires you to win with a majority before you can implement the ideas you believe in. C'est la vie.

That you would continue to whine about this seems incongruent with your previous self-presentation of a strong, self reliant person.

But I guess whatever manipulation or posturing it takes to get your way could not in any way violate your moral code, could it? Just whatever it takes, right?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 11:28 am
Momma Angel wrote:

You have only pointed out in the Bible what you feel are atrocities. You don't consider why these things were done. You don't consider the New Covenant of God. You pick out what you think proves God is. You only look at part of the picture. How can you know if you don't consider the whole picture? You obviously do not have the same concept of God that I amd many others do. You only consider one portion.

MA, Everybody picks out parts of the Bible that they like or dislike. You most certainly do. That is the problem with the Bible. It has no clear message. It has multiple and mixed messages.

Since I have not seen any acknowledgement that you have read the Westboro Baptists' FAQ that I linked for you on your thread, I will post it again. FAQ here.[/u]

So long as the Bible which is such an ambiguous document is given divine status it will continue as it has always been to be a source of division and conflict.

If you do not like my interpretation of what I see there, then perhaps we should contrast what I see with what the Westboro Baptists see. They use Bible quotations throughout to justify their sicko views and activities. A couple of examples from the link above.

Why do you preach hate?

Because the Bible preaches hate. For every one verse about God's mercy, love, compassion, etc., there are two verses about His vengeance, hatred, wrath, etc. The maudlin, kissy-pooh, feel-good, touchy-feely preachers of today's society are damning this nation and this world to hell. They are telling you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear, just like what happened in the days of Isaiah and Jeremiah: "That this [is] a rebellious people, lying children, children [that] will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us." Isaiah 30:9-11; "Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart." Jeremiah 14:14; "They have healed also the hurt [of the daughter] of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when [there is] no peace. Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time [that] I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD." Jeremiah 6:14-15. And also in the New Testament we are warned: "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians [are] alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith." Titus 1:11-13; "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of." II Peter 2:1,2. What you need to hear is that God hates people, and that your chances of going to heaven are nonexistent, unless you repent. What you need to hear is a little fire and brimstone preaching, like Jesus preached. What you don't need to hear is that you're okay just the way you are, and God accepts everyone without exception. Don't listen to the money-grubbing heretic who stands at the front of your church. Listen to God. If you are one of His elect, you'll hear.
Why do you preach hate

Doesn't the Bible say that God loves everyone?

No. You are probably thinking of John 3:16, which says no such thing. The word translated "world" in that verse (kosmos) NEVER means every individual of mankind who has ever lived (see, e.g., John 17:9). Romans 9:13 says that God hated Esau, and Psalm 5:5 says that God hates all WORKERS of iniquity (e.g., fags). Other examples are Proverbs 6:16-19, Psalm 11:5, and Malachi 1:3. Given these verses, how can you say God loves everyone? Can you really say "God loves everyone" when God says "I hated Esau?" Does God love the people in hell?

Or, you are thinking of "God is love." God certainly is love, toward His elect (His children). But He certainly is not love toward the reprobate (children of the devil). That's why His elect go to heaven, and the reprobate go to hell. In Romans 9:13, which says "As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated", Jacob is a representative of God's elect, while Esau is a representative of the reprobate. In Romans 1, the word "reprobate" is used to describe fags. Fags are reprobate. God hates reprobates. Therefore, God hates fags.

Furthermore, God specifically says that He ABHORS people who engage in sodomy (as well as other forms of sexual perversion): "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them...And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them." Leviticus 20:13,23. Understand? GOD ABHORS FAGS.

God's hatred is one of His holy attributes, whereby He reveals Himself as having a fixed and immutable determination to punish the finally impenitent with eternal perdition. God's hatred is not like man's hatred. His hatred is holy, pure, unchanging, while man's hatred is a sinful, fickle emotion.
Doesn't the Bible say that God loves everyone?

The difference between your views and theirs in some areas is only a matter of degree and overt actions.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 11:44 am

I have read much of this thread but not all of it.

Has anyone mentioned that the bible was passed on orally in very ancient times and therefore it is not surprising that it contains contradictions?

It is also not surprising that stories from ancient tribes would include atrocities.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 12:44 pm
wandeljw wrote:

I have read much of this thread but not all of it.

Has anyone mentioned that the bible was passed on orally in very ancient times and therefore it is not surprising that it contains contradictions?

It is also not surprising that stories from ancient tribes would include atrocities.

Would you like to give an example of what you think is a contradiction in the Bible?

(Caution: It's not as easy as it sounds.)
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