Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:I don't understand why they're not pushing diesels. They get great mileage, are more reliable than gasoline engines, and still have comparable performance. BMW, Audi, Mercedes, even the high-end brands do well with them.
Finally, a voice of reason
The new diesel emissions profile is remarkably clean. Mercedes already has a modified version of the CRT that exhausts air that is CLEANER then the air it ingests. Between the intake air filter, the catalyst, and the other soot scrubbers, the air going out is cleaner than what comes in
But, according to CARB, since its a diesel it absolutely in no way can be sold in CA. Even if it meets the insanely restrictive diesel requirements set forth by CA, they'll promptly change the requirements. They've done it almost every time before, most recently with the TDI.
Americans have a TERRIBLY skewed version of lies perpetrated against diesel. Let's face it, 95% of the American public has NO clue, and even of the 5% who are well educated in the engineering are still heavily influenced by the street talk about it.
I have a Step Van with a horrible 6.2 diesel in it. I burn strictly biodiesel. Any oxides of carbon I release into the atmosphere had to first be cleaned OUT of the atmosphere by the vegetation that supplied the oil. That's not to say it doesn't convert some of the stuff into bad junk before it spews it, but at least it doesn't drag carbon from 5 miles below the surface and spew it into the biosphere.
Hybrids are the teeniest tiniest step. They don't really get any better gas mileage than any other compact gas car, they cost WAAAY more to produce, and (this one is VERY important) the emissions involved in producing hybrid vehicles actually far exceeds the emissions it will put out during its expected life. The environmental impact can't be listed as just what comes out the tailpipe. Its the whole process.
If you really want to save the environment, eliminate your personal dependence on foreign oil, and reduce your carbon footprint to almost Zero, buy a VW TDI, convert it to bio. Enjoy lots of torque, easy modification, 55 mpg, beat the snot out of it for 300k miles, and never have to worry about what happens when your hybrid needs $9000 worth of new batteries.
The next step HAS to be, MUST be, biofuels. We will never become self sufficient that way since there isn't nearly enough farm land or supply of base feedstock for either biodiesel or ethanol, especially at our current rate of transportation increase, but it will be an excellent stop-gap in the chase for technology that allows us to more effectively harness solar energy.
I suggest a good read... "Biofuels: The Basics And Beyond." It has an incredible grasp on the political, fiscal, and financial impetus behind biofuels. The research that has been placed into that book is awesome. It is a must-read.
Keep in mind, Engineers tried their darndest to NOT make hybrids. They don't make sense to engineers for two reasons: 1) simplicity is not maintained, and 2) anytime you change states of energy you lose the majority of it. Sure you recover a tiny fraction with regenerative braking, but you can't compensate for the heat lost during the electrical generation phase. Auto makers thought they were great. We had just been disappointed with electric cars, so this was all the rage. Consumers would eat this up, and they did. We swallowed it hook line and sinker.
Most of your laws are made by silver-spoon politicians who are getting their information from lobbyists (mercenaries for any cause, not just the good ones). Some group of rich neo-hippies in Beverly Hills thinks that the reason her Louis Vuitton purse has yellowed over time is because she was on the street when a diesel truck drove by. Then she watched the news and saw how a whale had beached itself in Malibu. So what does she do? Signs up to support greenpeace or some other whacked out freak group who have decided that diesel must die. They get billions of dollars that they throw at lobbyists and politicians along with pictures of them hugging a tree or petting a dolphin and think they're saving the world from those smelly smog-producing carcinogens. The politicians don't look at or read reports, they just figure they'll get votes from greenpeace if they introduce a bill that gets rid of diesel. A powerful alliance it is.