Mr. Setanta,
Are you serious? Are you kidding me? OMG! I think you are!
This is the funniest thing you have ever done that I know of!
Let's tell the rest of the story Mr. Setanta, shall we? No, wait, let me. It will be my pleasure. That is, if I can stop laughing long eough!
Timber posed this challenge to me yesterday. I conceded. Timber and I chuckled about it.
You and a another buddy or two (but especially you) can't seem to just accept that I conceded. I admitted defeat. If you are waiting for me to bow down and worship you because I admitted defeat, ain't gonna happen.
It's just one small challenge, Mr. Setanta. :wink:
Now, ARE you going to meet my challenge that you have typed that you are an atheist?
Okay, now I am the one ROFLMBO!!