It's the 25th of Kislev ...

Reply Tue 19 Dec, 2006 11:21 am
Hey littlek, just got the book and read it, very nice! Sozlet will get a real kick out of it I think since it mirrors our experience so closely.
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Reply Tue 19 Dec, 2006 02:45 pm
Well, she saw it and said, "Hey, where did you get 'Light the Lights!'?" (How's that for complicated punctuation, I think I got it.) Evidently they read it at her school, too. She's very happy that we now own it.
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Reply Tue 19 Dec, 2006 07:26 pm
That's great, Soz! Have you found a dreidel?
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Reply Tue 19 Dec, 2006 07:59 pm
NO! It's starting to drive me slightly batty. I've found them online but by the time we'd get it, Hanukkah would be over. If I don't find one in time I'll just order some for next year, I guess. Checked grocery stores, CVS, Cost Plus World Market, Target... nada. Who knew they were so hard to find?
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Reply Tue 19 Dec, 2006 08:11 pm
NO! It's starting to drive me slightly batty. I've found them online but by the time we'd get it, Hanukkah would be over. If I don't find one in time I'll just order some for next year, I guess. Checked grocery stores, CVS, Cost Plus World Market, Target... nada. Who knew they were so hard to find?

Aren't the Jewish Cabals of this wicked world inefficient?
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 05:17 am
After a long day of controlling the media, we just don't have the time to get together an adequate dreidel distribution system.
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Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 07:03 pm
It's that time of year again!


Happy Chanukah! You don't need to be Jewish to celebrate Chanukah, come celebrate anyway!

This year, we're going multimedia. That means there's a song and a movie for each of the eight days. Some are, er, a bit of a stretch. :wink:

Our first film is Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0271263/
It apparently stinks. But, it's about Chanukah. Oy!

Our first song is also from Adam Sandler, but it's, fortunately, better than that dreck-y film: Adam Sandler's Chanukah song, version 1


Oy, I dunno how I feel about the below image ....
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Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 07:12 pm
Happy Chanukah !!

I shopped for days looking for Hanukah things for the Clubhouse. The Jewish members of the community all said "Go to Bed Bath and Beyond."


Yep. Only place I could find anything, and though mostly picked over, it was nice enough to not be too dwarfed by the Christmas decor. I really wanted a BIG dreidel - maybe cut glass or stained glass or something pretty. The biggest I could find was 4 inches.

Had our first lighting (electric menorah) tonight and five families showed up. Hope more will participate tomorrow and through the rest of the week.
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Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 07:16 pm
Sozlet is now the expert on all things Hannukah (/Chanukah/ etc.) She's the one who got out the menorah this evening and she was very, very annoyed with me that I didn't have the right candles for it. Sorry. Will shop tomorrow. (Where'd I get them last year??) We used birthday candles tonight. She's playing dreidel with E.G. now. ("No, with that one you take HALF...")

Happy Chanukah one and all!
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Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 07:18 pm
Awesome! We played dreidel at work today, we were using it to decide whether to go to meetings ("Okay, you got a hey, you only have to go to half of the meeting ..."). I made latkes but I had no eggs to bind them together. Hence we are having festive holiday hash browns.

Speaking of which ... gotta run and light the lights!
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Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 09:04 pm
jespah wrote:

Adam Sandler's Chanukah song, version 1

Intro: Okay, this a, this is a song, that uh, there's a lot of Christmas songs out there, and uh, not too many Hanukkah songs, so I wrote a song for all those nice little Jewish kids who dont get to hear any Hanukkah songs--here we go...

Put on your yarmulke, here comes Hanukkah
Its so much fun-akkah to celebrate Hanukkah,

Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights,
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights.

When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree,
Here's a list of people who are Jewish, just like you and me:

David Lee Roth lights the menorah,
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah


Tell your friend Veronica, it's time to celebrate Hanukkah
I hope I get a harmonica, on this lovely, lovely Hanukkah.

So drink your gin-and-tonic-ah, and smoke your mara-juanic-ah,
If you really, really wanna-kah, Have a happy, happy, happy, happy

truly truly one of my favourite festive songs

tell your friend veronica

so drink your gin and tonic ah

Man, I dig it!

Happy Chanukah!
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Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2007 10:26 pm
Happy Chanukah, gang.
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Reply Wed 5 Dec, 2007 05:13 am

For Night #2 of our multimedia celebration, we have the following film: Fiddler on the Roof: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067093/ . While they do not actually celebrate Chanukah in that film, they do pretty much everything else. Smile Didja know Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky of the original Starsky and Hutch, and widower of AIDS activist Elizabeth Glaser) was in it? He does not sing, although he dances a bit. Molly Picon of the old Yiddish theatre is also in it; she is buried in New York, I think at Machpelah Cemetary.

And tonight's song is Tom Lehrer's (I'm Spending) Hanukkah in Santa Monica

I'm spending Hanukkah, in Santa Monica,
Wearing sandals lighting candles by the sea.
I spent Shavuos, in East St. Louis,
A charming spot but clearly not the spot for me.

Those eastern winters, I can't endure 'em,
So every year I pack my gear
And come out here to Purim.

Rosh Hashona, I spend in Arizona,
And Yom Kippa, way down in Mississippa.
But in Decemba, there's just one place for me.
'Mid the California flora,
I'll be lighting my menorah.
Every California maid'll
Find me playing with a dreidl.
Santa Monica, spending Hanukkah by the sea
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 05:41 am

For Night #3 of our multimedia celebration we have the film: Crossing Delancey: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094921/ I've always loved this film, it's a kind of more religious Annie Hall hommage, but also more. Peter Reigert, of course, was in not only that film but also in Animal House. Look for the scene where Sylvia Miles is eating.

For our musical interlude, it's Adam Sandler's Chanukah song, version 2

It's time to take out those menorahs!

Put on your yarmulke
It's time for Hanukkah
So much fun-uka
To celebrate Hanukkah

Hanukkah is, the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents
We get eight crazy nights

When you feel like the only kid in town
Without a Christmas tree
Here's a new list of people who are Jewish
Just like you and me

Winona Ryder drinks Manischewitz wine
Then spins a dredl with Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein
Guess who give and receives loads of Hanukkah toys?
The girls from Veruca Salt and all three Beastie Boys

Lenny Kravitz is half Jewish, Courtney Love is half too
Put them together, what a funky, bad-ass Jew
We got Harvey Keitel and flash dancer Jennifer Beals
Yasmine Bleeth from Baywatch is Jewish and
Yes her boobs are real

O.J. Simpson, still not a Jew
But guess who is, the guy who does the voice for

Bob Dylan was born a Jew, then he wasn't, but now he's back
Mary Tyler Moore's husband is Jewish 'cuz we're pretty good
In the sack

Guess who got bar mitzvah-ed on the PGA tour?
No I'm not talking about Tiger Woods, I'm talking about
Mr. Happy Gilmore

So many Jews are in the show biz
Bruce Springsteen isn't Jewish, but my mother thinks he is
Tell that old harmonica, it's time to celebrate Hanukkah
It's not pronounced Chanukkah
The C is silent in Hanukkah
So your your Hooked on Phonic-a
Get drunk in Tiajuanica
If you really really wanna-ka
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Hanukkah
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 09:32 am
I'm loving the movie selections. You're going to include Yentl in there somewhere I hope.

Happy Chanukah, everyone!
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 11:34 am
Last night I had a gin-and-tonic-a while having dinner with my friend Veronica.

(really - what else could I order while having dinner with Veronica during Hanukkah?)


Crossing Delancey's a bit of a 'thing' for me. On my first trip to New York back to New York after the movie, I went to Delancey and crossed the street - about three times Embarrassed
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 11:36 am
Love love love that movie. I'd have happily crossed with you bethie.
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 05:20 pm
Excellent, more Delancey fans!
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:39 am

Welcome to Night #4! To continue with our multimedia celebration, today's film is: The Diary of Anne Frank: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052738/ While, of course, it is a tragedy, they celebrate Chanukah! In a very modest way, of course. One thing that Anne does is, she painstakingly erases all of the pencil marks in her sister Margot's crossword puzzle book and then presents the book as the gift -- a clean slate. Smile

Today's song is: Dreidel by Don McLean

I feel like a spinning top or a Dreidel
The spinning don't stop when you leave the cradle
You just slow down
Round and around the world you go
Spinning through the lives of the people you know
We all slow down
How you gonna keep on turning from day to day?
How you gonna keep from turning your life away?

No days you can borrow, no time you can buy.
No trust in tomorrow. It's a lie.
And I feel like I'm dippin' and divin'.
My sky shoes are spiked with lead heels.
I'm lost in this star car I'm drivin'.
But my air sole keeps pushin' big wheels.
My world is a constant confusion.
My mind is prepared to attack.
My past a persuasive illusion.
I'm watchin' the future it's black.
What do you know?
You know just what you perceive.
What can you show?
Nothing of what you believe.
And as you grow, each thread of life that you leave
Will spin around your deeds and dictate your needs
As you sell your soul and you sow your seeds
And you wound yourself and your loved one bleed
And your habits grow, and your conscience feeds
On all that you thought you should be
I never thought this could happen to me.

I feel like a spinning top or a dreidel.
The spinning don't stop when you leave the cradle.
You just slow down.
Round and around the world you go
Spinning through the lives of the people you know.
We all slow down.
How you gonna keep on turning from day to day?
How you gonna keep from turning your life away? Oh..

I feel like a spinning top or a dreidel.
The spinning don't stop when you leave the cradle.
You just slow down.
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Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 10:54 am

Welcome to Night #5!
Today's multimedia journey continues with the film The Hebrew Hammer: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317640/ Mordechai Jefferson Carver saves Chanukah. Please, Hammer, don't hurt 'em!

Today's song is: Blinded by the Light by Bruce Springsteen (he's not Jewish, but he mentions light -- it is the Festival of Lights, after all -- and a skullcap! Oy! Plus, it's one of my faves of his)

Madman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat
In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat
With a boulder on my shoulder feelin' kinda older I tripped the merry-go-round
With this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing the calliope crashed to the ground
Some all-hot half-shot was headin for the hot spot snappin his fingers clappin his hands
And some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lovers' knot with a whatnot in her hand
And now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sand
And some bloodshot forget-menot whispers Daddy's within earshot save the buckshot turn up the band

And she was blinded by the light. cut loose like a deuce
Another runner in the night. blinded by the light
She got down but she never got tight, but shell make it alright

Some brimstone baritone anticyclone rolling stone preacher from the east
He says: dethrone the Dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that's where they expect it least
And some new-mown chaperone was standin in the corner all alone watchin' the young girls dance
And some fresh-sown moonstone was messin' with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romance

Yeah he was blinded by the light. cut loose like a deuce
Another runner in the night. Blinded by the light
He got down but she never got tight, but he's gonna make it tonight

Some silicone sister with her manager's mister told me I got what it takes
She said I'll turn you on Sonny to something strong if you play that song with the funky break
And go-cart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outside
And little early-pearly came in by her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a ride
Oh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer playin' backyard bombardier
Yes and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent a dude with a calling card,
He said, do what you like, but don't do it here
Well I jumped up, spit in the air, fell on the ground, asked which was the way back home
He said take a right at the light, keep going straight until right, and then boy you're on your own

And now in Zanzibar a shootin' star was ridin' in a side car hummin' a lunar tune
Yes, and the avatar said blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we're gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon
And some kidnapped handicap was complaining that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last night
Well I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but hed figured he'd be all right

He was just blinded by the light. Cut loose like a deuce
Another runner in the night. Blinded by the light
Mama always told me not to look into the sights of the sun
Oh but mama that's where the fun is
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