thiefoflight wrote:Frank Zappa's JOE"S GARAGE
Oh man!
It wasn't very large
There was just enough room to cram the amp
In the corner over by the Dodge
It was a '64 with a mashed up door
And a cheesy little amp
With a sign on the front said Fender Jam
And a second hand guitar
It was a Stratocaster with a wammy bar
Not sure if I got that exactly right because I haven't busted out Joe's Garage in awhile. Yes, great album, but I think you have to have ventured into the depths of Zappa before you can appreciate it. Keep it Greasy, Watermelon in Easter Hay, good music and dark humor. A one of a kind album. Perhaps I'll take it off the shelf this afternoon.
Thanks for reminding me dude!