All time favourite albums

Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 09:36 am
The Pentacle Queen wrote:
I dont know what i'd label other genres. But i'd definately say that from my experience, in my short little life, that most people who listen to r&b are chavs. And I hate chavs.
I suppose thats where this argument comes from.
Maybe I am a little biased Wink

It appears you are biased against chavs. You are generalizing, and that's usually a bad idea. Particularly so with the idea you can determine one's intellectual abilities based upon their musical tastes, much less "most people."

And what the heck is a "chav"?
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 08:42 am

Ive just been explaining this to steve 100.
Here is your explanation. Just use the link and scroll down a bit.


And also:
people: generalising isnt morally wrong.
I could say that the majority of people who live in africa are black, and that would be generalising, but it doesnt mean im as small minded to say that 'all people in africa are black.'
So stop chastising. It is generalising that can lead to small mindedness, but genralising isnt small minded.
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Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 08:55 am
Thanks for the explanation, TPQ. And since a Londoner was as mystified as me, I don't feel as secluded.

(Now if I only knew what "burbury" meant.)
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Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 09:03 am
The Pentacle Queen wrote:
And also:
people: generalising isnt morally wrong.
I could say that the majority of people who live in africa are black, and that would be generalising, but it doesnt mean im as small minded to say that 'all people in africa are black.'
So stop chastising. It is generalising that can lead to small mindedness, but genralising isnt small minded.

I never said generalizing was "morally wrong." I said it was a bad idea, particularly in the manner you did it. Are you capable of seeing why that is?
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 03:33 am
Of course I am.
I said so myself didnt I?
Dont take mefor an idiot. You're the one who hasnt read my posts properly.

Burbury is a type or tartan that posh people in englad used to wear, but now chavs wear it to try and look posh. Disguise doesnt work very well though.
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 03:39 am
please excuse typos
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Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 08:03 am
PQ - I know what a chav is and that type (as they're depicted in the media) doesn't appeal to me either -but I had another stereotype debunked last night. This guy - total chav - was holding court with a bunch of his buddies, had been drinking, still had the bottle in his hand- when I walked by on the sidewalk with my young daughter and he refrained from cursing for a moment, stepped back to give us room to pass, nodded his head at me and said "Good evening." Very polite. I responded - "Hi, how're you doing?" I'm alright- you?", he responded. All very polite and civilized.
My point is he was considerate enough to stop cursing in front of a child, and had manners that came to the surface pretty quickly. You just got to live and let live and not paint everyone with the same brush. I'll never think another bad thing about a chav again....this one certainly behaved differently than I had been led to believe a chav would.
But yeah, I hate it when people try to be something they're not too...
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 01:43 pm
Thats nice, sometimes they are nice.
This guy down my road is a TOTAL chav but he still says hi to me. Weird.
That doesnt mean they're all like that.
I supose it is nice to see the good in people though.
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Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 04:27 pm
"seeing the good in people" - yes - always - the only way to live.
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 08:23 am
Not constant dissapointment?
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Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 09:59 am
Life and people can be really disappointing - but I don't want to walk around looking for or expecting disappointment. I'd rather hope for the best - but understand that I might have to deal with something less than that and learn how to take my knocks.

How about you - do you naturally tend to be an optimist or a pessimist?
And by the way - did you ever list your ten favorite albums? I'd be curious to know what they are.
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Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 10:45 am
i'm optimistically pessimistic
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 02:18 am
I dont know aidan. I think i just take life as it comes.
Im an idealist and a dreamer, but if there is something i really want, i will convince myself I wont get it so as to avoid dissapointment.

My 10 favorite albums, Ummmmm.
Thats really really hard. Especially because I like a lot of classical music aswell as popular.
I'll have a go.

Jeff Buckley- Grace.
Guns n Roses- Appetite for Destruction
Ludovice Einaudi- Eden Rock
Goldfrapp- Supernature
Nirvana- Greatest Hits
The White Stripes- Elephant
The Darkness- Permission to Land
Edward Scisorhands soundrtack- Danny Elfman
Debussy- His piano works
Vaugn Williams- Wasp concerto and The Lark accending.

Thats the overal list, but it has left a lot of my favorite composers out. Thats realy just a list of my favorite c.d's.

However I can sum up my musical tastes in a few deep and meaningful sentances if you like aidan.
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Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 03:09 am
PQ - Sure, go ahead and sum it up for me- and make sure you make it deep and meaningful. Laughing

I've read so much about Jeff Buckley - mostly after his death - in fact I'd never heard of him before reading about how he had died. And if I remember correctly, this was his last album and I've been interested in it and him - but I've never listened to it, or to be honest, anything by him- maybe now's the time.

And Vaughn Williams sounds interesting as well. I love the sound of the title - "The Lark Ascending".

Interesting, very electic list. Can't pigeon hole you into a type from this list PQ- except that we most definitely know you're not a chav - right? Laughing
You know, one quality of this forum I really appreciate is that every once in a while I'm introduced to music or literature that I'd never been exposed to in the past, and probably wouldn't find if left to my own devices. You did it for me today. Thanks
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 03:33 am
Aww Aidan. You're sweet.
You can categorise me, kinda.

Im a sybolist. I like anything that represents anything but in a different form. I love art, I love music.
I hate chavs because they arent like that. Because they dont appreciate it.

My musical taste lies with a favorite between to extremes. One one side rock, strong powerfull, living for the moment, that feeling you get when you're completely drunk.
Thats why I love guns n roses so much. Everything on appetite depicts something about how the guns used to live, how the rock and roll lifestyle was in the 80's. When you listen to it you just want to be there. Thats what rock and roll does. Its the F*** or fight reaction.

On the other side you have my other tastes which lie with 20th centuary art music, and anything later than beethoven.
When those first chromatic notes started pouring in, then thats when all the meaning started taking shape. Things like Debussy 'La mer' epitimise the sea to exact likeness. Vaughn Williams 'The Lark assending' for me is an exact metaphor of morning. Listen to it. It is a type of concerto with a solo violin, it is 15 mins long and it just sums sunrise up in a nutshell. Its so deep and thoughtfull.

Jeff Buckley is the link pin in the whole thing. He comes in the centre, and maybe thats why he's my favorite.
I agree with all of his views, his lyrics are strong and powerfull, yet the meanings and the way he forms his songs are so deep.
Musically he combines rock with all the compositional techniques used in 20th century art music. Some of his harmonies are dissonant. Some of them so simple they are almost minimalist, in a certain way.
Its almost like word painting, for example in 'last goodbye' I think, when he adds pizz strings in decending patterns when he sings 'the rain is falling' Its so clever, and sort of obvious. Yet nobody else has done anything like his music. And if they have then I would love to hear it.

So there you go. All that writing on why I absolutley LOVE girls aloud 'Love machine' Wink Lol.
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Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 04:37 am
Hmm...maybe you're the intellectual among us. You seem to know a lot about composition. Do you write and/or play music?

I will listen to that Vaughn Williams piece. You make it sound really beautiful. I too love Debussy's La Mer, and almost anything else I've heard by him for the same reason you stated. His music is very evocative. And I'm going to (finally) listen to Jeff Buckley.

Guns and Roses - I get what you're saying. Not a favorite of mine because of Axl Rose's screechy voice, but they definitely lived life to the fullest - yeah- and expressed that in their music.

You take care PQ - say hi when you see me around here- I like talking to you (that's a request- not an order, by the way). Did you see that Margaret Atwood poem I suggested for your assignment on sleep/dreams/etc.? What did you think of it? How did your assignment go?
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 08:12 am
Why thank you aidan. Im glad you said that, because some people on here, whilst so eager to call me small minded for hating chavs, are actually small minded for thinking that anyone who hates someone hasnt got a brain. How god damn hippocritical.

Anyway, Yes I write and play music.
I play Piano, Violin and I can sing. I was in the national youth choir, but i got chucked out because im too old now Sad
I also play certian instruments for fun, guitar, bass guitar, harmonica, recorder. Im not terribly good at those though, they arent my priority.
This is my bass guitar, the pink purple one. I got it for christmas, its quite treasured as its very pretty.

Yes I compose music. I want to be a film score composer, thats been my ambition for ages now.

Im glad I made Vaughn Williams sound beautiful. It is beautiful.
Wow, you like Debussy. Hes great. So clever because his music is so piecefull and tranquil, yet unlike williams his rhythms are complex, and there are so many devices used that could sound messy, horrible, yet they dont.

Guns 'n' Roses: Well I love them now. But i dont know whether I always will. I think half of that obsession is because its like the rebel stage that everyone goes through at some point, and it sums that up for me.
Also Axl Rose is the fittest man in the whole entire world. Even with braids. My username used to be Axl Roses Wife actually, but then I changed it to PQ.
And screechy voice- How dare you!!! He he. Yeah his voice can be screechy, but its also incredible. I wish I could sing like that. Maybe if i start smoking....

Yes I did see the poem you posted, and im sorry because I should have thanked you. It is a beautiful poem. However, I had found another one by that time, by thomas jefferson.
I liked this one because it describes sleep as a kind of paradise. and thats what I wanted for this compositon. Ever since I did this Bach corralle thingy with 6 choirs and stuff in the summer, ive been wanting to re-create something similar.
Yeah, the assignment is going well. if not a bit rushed. Should be finishing it now actually.
It is a romantic/minimalist fusion character piece, and its good because Im using it for three different things, so although i had to finish it ina rush it actually saved a lot of time.
Its my next one i cant wait to complete.
Anyway, am babbling now.

So what about you.
Favorite composers? Views on anything?
What do you like/ think?
I wish i had the PM privilege so i could mail you. But you may have to wait a few hundred posts until then.
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Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 12:16 pm
PQ - You're funny- and much more musically educated than I am. I can play the piano and sing - but I'm neither as gifted or talented as I'd like to be. I've always envied people like you - there seems to be no ceiling on your musical talent. Do you sing alto or soprano?

In terms of music I like, I'm open to everything. In terms of musicians I find "fit" (which I would translate as "sexy") Axl Rose wouldn't make my list - and you'd better have a good left hook if you're his wife-(okay I'll stop busting your chops about him). In terms of pure sexiness, I'd have to go with Lenny Kravitz - I like that slightly spacey hippy thing he has going on - and I even like some of his music.

I don't want to bore everyone with my likes and dislikes here, so maybe I'll pm you later.

I listened to Jeff Buckley. One of his songs - Grace- reminded me of an early Genesis album I used to listen to (A Trick of the Tail) when Peter Gabriel was still with them. I loved his lyrics (jeff Buckley's) and found some of them really ironic - given that he died so young and unexpectedly. Anyway, thanks for reminding me about him.

What do you think about Radiohead?

PS. I don't know what to tell you about the small-minded and hate thing - I try my best to avoid both...Talk to you later
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 01:33 pm
Well I'd like to say there's no ceiling to my musical talent. Not sure that's true.
I sing alto1/ soprano2. I can sing high, but I also have a depth to my voice which is a kind of alto characteristic.

Musically educated. Um I don't know. Basically anything I like I soak up information completely. Anything I don't give a **** about, I don't bother. Its why I know like everything about harry potter. Cool eh?
One of my idols is my A level music teacher. He is a truly amazing musician. I just soak up everything he says basically. So I do know quite a lot.

Lenny kravitz, I shall have a look at. I can never make anyone see eye to eye with me on the axl thing…..
You blind, blind people.
And- don't want to offend here but. I thought that aidan was a boys name… maybe not, you live in america. They have different names there. And I don't have anything against gays either because im not completely strait. Sorry. That was tactless.

Radiohead. I havent heard much of there stuff to be honest. One of their songs came up in my music tech exam though this summer.
I liked it. I will check them out. Thank you.
How may posts do you have to do before you can pm?

Anyway, will check this in a couple of days cos im going to tate modern for the day tommorow. Yay!!!!!!!
Oh and. Im funny? I wasn't trying to be… maybe that's not such a good thing. He he.
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Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 01:38 pm
I'd have to agree with you PQ, Debussy, and especially his Premiere Arabesque signaled the beginning of a palatable revolution in music. I'm working on the piece, but it is tres tres dificil.
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