Woman asks restaurant to remove 'offensive' Jesus sign

Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 08:58 am
It's a private business. They can post whatever they want.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 12:07 pm
Just to stir the pot (and recognizing that I might get burned because I consistently underestimate the strength of American religious opinion) ....

Does anyone wonder why the woman who complained, stating her reason was because she herself is Jewish, would want to eat at non-kosher McD's?

I myself am not Christian, but the sign does not offend me. Jesus is the reason for Christmas (if not the season itself), and it always seems silly to me that non-Christians want Christians to include them in this very Christian holiday. Is it the ultimate triumph of commercialism (which wants to include everyone's discretionary dollar) -- to make people fight to have the right to participate in a religious holiday that is not their own religion?

If it offends, state your case to the manager (so that he understands the problem) and vote with your feet.

The other thing that came to mind, when I read the article, is the outright lie that McDonald's HO gave -- at least in Canada, they and all franchisors have ultimate control over any operational or graphic presentation (including signs, interior or exterior). This is called branding, and it's what has made this franchise so very successful and the benchmark for all other brands.

And it's not strictly true that private business is allowed, or should be allowed to post whatever they want. If local hate laws do not forbid it, the franchisor certainly would not tolerate, say, swastikas or "No ----'s allowed" signs. There are thresholds, but IMHO I don't think this sign crosses one.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 12:21 pm
'Tho you may be talking tongue in cheek, Tico, be advised that only a small percentage of Jews maintain kosher households or worry about kosher when dining out.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 12:43 pm

About 25% to 30% of Jews in America keep kosher to one extent or another.

"To one extent or another" is the operative phrase here. I have known people who run the gamut in terms of just how kosher they were.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 12:59 pm
That's a bit higher than I would have thought. Certainly the approximately 20% of Jews who are Orthodox would try to be as close to the dietary laws as possible.

As an aside, I knew of one Orthodox woman who had a stroke on the sabbath, and she fought tooth and nail not to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. (She finally succumbed to the pleas of her family.)
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:07 pm
Re: Woman asks restaurant to remove 'offensive' Jesus sign
stevewonder wrote:
What do you peeps thins should this sign have been removed??
Is it offensive??


I swear, people are getting way too effin uptight .... thats whats scary.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:10 pm
nimh, it's reactionary, I think. Non-christians (and maybe some christians) are feeling threatened because of the wave of hyper christianity threatening, as we see it, to sink the nation. IHaving said that, this heathen doesn't see why the sign should be taken down. It may be offensive, stoopid, whatever, but it's a private restaurant. The woman who is complaining should just not go there.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:12 pm

I agree with you. It seems society has a whole is becoming much more touchy? Seems more and more like it's getting to be a "me first" type of thing?
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:14 pm
I fear too many people have been heeding Bill O'reilly.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:18 pm
DrewDad wrote:
And why does so much of this BS come out of North Carolina, anyway?

I will send Barney Fife down on you with hellfire and brimstone and yes, even a bullet in his gun if you don't watch it buster. Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:21 pm
flyboy804 wrote:
'Tho you may be talking tongue in cheek, Tico, be advised that only a small percentage of Jews maintain kosher households or worry about kosher when dining out.

Yes, I was being flippant. I need a "tongue-in-cheek" emoticon.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:28 pm
DrewDad wrote:
I guess we know Squinney's real name now, eh?

Silly boy, I'm not Jewish. Very Happy

LionTamer - What are you doing driving by that McDonalds every day and not letting Bear and I know you are in town?

BTW, the sign is outside, roadside at a very busy intersection. It sits at a corner across from two strip malls. Falls of the Neuse and Spring Forest are major roads running North/South and East/West. respectively. Thousands would see it daily.

Also, this particular owner has several other McDonalds in the area. Haven't looked at the signs to know if she has done the same elsewhere.

If anyone finds the sign offensive they can go about a mile East to Capital Blvd, a mile south on Falls/Wake Forest, a couple miles west to Millbrook/Glenwood, or a couple miles southwest to Crabtree Mall to get their McDonalds fix.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:42 pm
flyboy804 wrote:
'Tho you may be talking tongue in cheek, Tico, be advised that only a small percentage of Jews maintain kosher households or worry about kosher when dining out.

I think the woman was pointing out she wasnt Christian, and therefore she should be free to eat at a McDees without being preached to.

And how do you know she wasnt going in for just fries or a fillet or fish??

But that also makes another point, why should anyone have to talk about their faith or lack of it just to eat??? She was forced to talk about being Jewish just to explain to the clowns in HQ that she wants the freedom to eat without being preached to?

And as far as saying its her private business, thats not true Mcdees as a brand does not affiliate to a god so why should we be ambushed when we go to one of their outlets??? So that is a form of betrayal on their part.

Isnt that a freedom aswell that we should be entitled to, that we should be free to go to a fast food outlet without being bombarded with preaching??

If I want sermons I go to a church
If I want fast food I go to McDees.

Just imagine, lets flip this, a sign outside a Mcdees reading

'Thank Darwin!!.........if it wasnt for Darwin we would have no idea where this burger came from!'


Ronald Mcdonald says 'Darwin loves ya baby!'

I am certain many thiest on this forum would object to such a sign outside a Mcdees and probably arrange a protest and sit ins.

Am I right??

please be honest.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:45 pm

Is it ambush if you have advance warning?
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:47 pm
stevewonder wrote:
Just imagine, lets flip this, a sign outside a Mcdees reading

'Thank Darwin!!.........if it wasnt for Darwin we would have no idea where this burger came from!'


Ronald Mcdonald says 'Darwin loves ya baby!'

I am certain many thiest on this forum would object to such a sign outside a Mcdees and probably arrange a protest and sit ins.

Am I right??

please be honest.

I wouldnt give a flying F one way or another, obviously ...
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:49 pm
Fine with me. It's their place of business, not mine.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:51 pm
Good point steave. When I first read the story I thought to myself "Big deal, their christens and they put a sign outside their store that says it". I still feel the same but you present a good point of view.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:51 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

Is it ambush if you have advance warning?

All the adverts of Mcdees and their official line is they sell fast food not god. So when i go there to eat and find staff start Bible bashing yes then it is an ambush and a breach of my trust.

Make burgers not sermons.

If people wanna now about Christianity we'll ask you, or read a book or go to a church, we dont need scripture thrust in our faces

How effective do you folks think that is ?? narcking people off I mean.

Your faith not strong enough that you need to employ trickery??
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:53 pm
I'm in the Weary Shrug camp.

But that also makes another point, why should anyone have to talk about their faith or lack of it just to eat??? She was forced to talk about being Jewish just to explain to the clowns in HQ that she wants the freedom to eat without being preached to?

She was forced? She couldn't just eat somewhere else? If she wants to set policy at a MacDonald's, let her buy her own franchise.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 01:54 pm

Funny, I didn't see a price on there listed for the Merry Christmas greeting.
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