Quote:Geez. I just had some things to do, that's all. I have a pretty sarcastic sense of humor. It isn't mean spirited, it's just in fun. It means I think you're cool. Please know that in order for you to offend me, you will have to try to offend me. I am kinda' sensitive, but I always make a big effort to give people the benefit of the doubt (that's my mantra).
So where were we? Something about touching a hot stove?
LOL well cool then. I am satisfied! Yeah, I happen to think your pretty cool too!
This is where we were at:
Quote:A hot burner will burn you if you touch it. (deterministic framework)
So you won't touch it. (free will)
It won't burn you if you don't touch it. (The two coexisting)
However, I gotta say this too. I looked up the definition of free and found this interesting:
Main Entry: 1free
Pronunciation: 'frE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): fre·er; fre·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English frEo; akin to Old High German frI free, Welsh rhydd, Sanskrit priya own, dear
1 a : having the legal and political rights of a citizen b : enjoying civil and political liberty <free citizens> c : enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination d : enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another
2 a :
not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being : choosing or capable of choosing for itself b : determined by the choice of the actor or performer <free actions> c : made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously
3 a : relieved from or lacking something unpleasant or burdensome <free from pain> <a speech free of political rhetoric> b : not bound, confined, or detained by force
4 a : having no trade restrictions b : not subject to government regulation c of foreign exchange : not subject to restriction or official control
5 a : having no obligations (as to work) or commitments <I'll be free this evening> b : not taken up with commitments or obligations <a free evening>
6 : having a scope not restricted by qualification <a free variable>
If you want to see the other 64 entries for free, here's the link:
Haven't looked up will yet. Will have to try to do it a little later... unless someone wants to do it for me. :wink: Yeah... I've been pretty busy lately too. I haven't given up on discussing this yet though!