<passing around a tube of Clearasil Butt Formula>
Thanks I feel better now Terry, anything to fight them nasty bunny attempts at finishing the pleasures in life!
lol.....my son will be doing all of those acrobatics, BillW! I don't do chocolate!
Do they hop like the 'regulars?'

Have to ask dlowan about that one c.i.
BTW, I just say one running down the street a few minutes ago with its smegging head bit off. You guys need to put them out of their misery when you get a chance!
They only hop when you are asleep - I am building a little sanctuary for those that escape (Australian chocolate Easter Bilbies welcome too, by the way.)
Clearasil won't help you with THESE pimples! Believe me.....
I always buy way to many of those chocolate bunnies to fill baskets with.
I put the extras in the basement freezer for use when I need them,..I ALWAYS FORGET ABOUT THEM,..just checked,..must be fifty of'em in there.
It's like a chocolate bunny morgue.
We gonna get you, Jerry R - an' it won't just be pimples.......
I have cryogenically frozen 2 marzipan bunnies myself from my wedding cake...they are cold, but seem happy enough
That's a good idea. Freeze them they can't copulate and breed them irregulars!
<smearing chocolate on dlowan's tail when she isn't looking in hopes that someone will get to her before the pimples get to us>
(...rapidly removing dirty tail puff, throwing it away, and replacing it with fresh, fluffy, pristine tail puff.....)
(....sashaying off in an annoying, superior and provocative manner...thinking, I am gonna make some of those pimples BLIND...and they all gonna be bunny shaped...)
That's it! I'm calling in the reinforcements! <a high pitched whistle, then silence>
Suddenly a hum begins...it gets louder and louder until its source is revealed...thousands of pastel colored marshmallow peeps burst in pelting the evil bunnies with jellybeans (they hide them in their pockets)...the bunnies try to stomp them with their chocolate feet, but the peeps are so full of preservatives that they spring back to life with a resounding "booooiiinnngggg!" as soon as the bunnies lift their feet back up.....
Ahem,...here's a link to the picture site, demonstrating the effects of some very scientific testing , done on marshmallow BUNNIES!!
Marshmallow Bunny Stress Tests
Not for the squeamish
(ducks, covers,...dashes................)
Who would like to see pictures of chocolate Easter Bunnies and read stories and see chocolate cream Easter eggs.
Feast your eyes as you ogle these delights