even elephants are hunting easter eggs.
egg hunt
One of my coworkers gave me a Lindt gold bunny. He has yet to be consumed.
Hmmmm, I wonder if the same would work with owl eggs.
MMMMMMMMM - owl eggs......
Children murderer! :wink:
bloody savages
<bites head off choco bunny> take that!
pueo wrote:bloody savages
There must have beeen some serious reasons, pueo, why someone has been deportated to Australia!
MMMMMMMMMM - owl egges wiv li'l chocolate owlets inside.......mmmmmmmmm - nibble their little beakses........mmmmmmmm....lick their big, owlie eyes..............look! They's cwying wittle chocolate owl tears!!!!!!
Wot about a lovely golden owl?
'Twould be sooooo much fun to open it, and see those big owl eyes wide open in shock...lemme see... what would I eat first?
Maybe it could be stuffed with little chocolate mousies? Or owl eggs?
Or chockie owl entrails?
little gold-foil wrapped choco Easter bunnies graced the festive hamburger Easter breakfast table
<note the past tense>
tea and choco bunnies
I want some, now, dammit! I love those Lindt ones...

Lindt & Sprüngli (Australia) Pty. Ldt.
Sydney, Australia