It blows me away that shitakes are $8.99 lb. at HEB. I don't always get as many as I would like.
like edgar, I mostly remove the stems and trash them, habit I guess. Never thought about it.
At least I'm not the only heathen on here.
edgar, your gonna crap but we get 3 lb of shitakes for 2.50 at the mushroom house. They wholesale and sell to the public at wholesale prices. Needless to say , most of our supermarkets dont carry mushrooms when everyone can get em cheaper at the farms
I think the stems have the most mushroomy flavour, and definitely add good texture and colour to a soup/stock/stew.
If I'm going to remove the stems because I'm doing something that specifically requires caps only (and I don't think I've used that type of recipe in about a decade), I'd roast the stems and then use them in another soup.
The stems are where the mushroom action is.
Thanks, all. I feel humble in your wise presence, but feel that I can improve. Farmerman, I'm wishing it were practical to get a big truck and make a shitake run. I'm sure there are reasons it wouldn't work out for me if I did.
i've been trying to post nutritional info here asbout mushrooms, but the formats don't mesh well.....
<which reminds me I need to go get some mushrooms NOW to have with the pork chops>
Damn! You folks are making me hungry.
Throw away the stems? What the hell for?? 8.99 $ FOR A MUSHROOM??????
gringos loco
I get shitakes for nothing, after eating the wrong sort of mushroom.
If you pay 8.99 for a mushroom and don't see **** melting and blenders talking to you, you got ripped off. Thats what I say.
Dont feel bad edgar..
it wasnt until about 2 months ago that I learned you are supposed to wash a mushroom before cooking it.
i **** you not..
Edger. You throw away the stems but you don't wash the mushrooms??????? Ay!
Ok so as I understand this, mushrooms are grown in a bed of ****, after you eat them they turn into ****. Why wash them inbetween?
Who said I don't wash them? Not aye.
It was $8.99 per pound, not eatch.
Oh, well hell in that case give me 5 pounds.