echi wrote:lezzles--
I do not believe you love animals, for obvious reasons.
I do not advocate keeping wild animals as pets, nor do I support domestication, generally.
I do not WANT you to feel guilt for anything. Whenever I have killed an animal, on purpose, I did not feel good about it. And I am sure that no one feels good about it. I suppose that's my real point, here.
As for you being an "omnivorous predator", that's a personal decision. Go for it.
I resent your saying you don't believe I love animals. What obvious reasons? Because I am not ashamed to admit I eat meat without guilt?
I think you are confusing love (care, nurture, protect, respect) with the abomination inflicted on all animals when Disney first gave them human attributes.
Consider this......
You own a farm in Africa on which you run cattle (which feed the local population together with what they grow). You are considered to be a necessary industry by the local government.
You have a number of problems -
Dry conditions - because you have invested a lot of money to sink bores you have water and grass for your cattle but this also attracts the wild animals who move onto your property rather than roam elsewhere.
The wild animals can carry various diseases - tsetse fly, measles, etc which can destroy your herds. There are few predators (you have to keep their numbers down or they will kill the cattle) The numbers of the wild animals build quickly.
The predators are now being attracted by the large numbers of herbivores, the grass is insufficient to support the cattle and the wild animals for much longer.
Your choices -
You solve the problem or government rangers will carry out a cull for you. This involves a group of men armed with machine guns shooting at a herd of deer then moving on to the next lot. Most of the animals in these culls die slowly over many days, in pain, many eaten while still alive by hyenas.
You get friends, colleagues, employees and you go hunting yourself. You have a set of rules - if you wound an animal you follow up and you kill it.
You do not kill all the females in a group. You use as much as you can for food.
Or you tear your hair and rend your garments crying "I cannot hurt any of these animals, I love them all!" meanwhile the deer. the cattle and the vegetarians eat all the grass then die of starvation, the predators have a bit of a feast then they start to die of starvation, then the people die of starvation and then there's nobody left - but golly gee, there was a whole lot of schmaltzy loving being thrown about.