Thu 8 Dec, 2005 03:08 pm
Here is a link I posted on another thread. I think it may get overlooked, so decided to post it here.
That article makes a lot of sense Edgar. I've thought for a long time that a civil war was inevitable, but I think the article is right. It is already in progress and we're just making it worse. As far as the Iraqi's not aligning with Iran, I'm not sure. I hope that's truly the case. I would hate to see an Iran friendly Iraq, especially with the hardline Iranian government coming out today in favor of moving the Jews out of Israel to some European location. This guy in Iran is bad news.
It's a shame really.
The problem with Iraq started soon after World War I.
(See Modern History section).
Apparently, Churchill used poison gas to quell the rebelling Kurds.
Is it just me or is the situation in Iraq similar to the 1920s when the British occupied it? And is it any wonder the current "terrorists" feel that way when something similar to the current occupation happened back in the 1920s?