Neat neat neat, I am lovin' this. Hey, username, you wanna come to a gathering o the 14th? We're gonna be in Fresh Pond, at Jasper White's Summer Shack. I forget the time, some time after work.
Anyway, back to el topico.
Last summer, I watched a Canadian geese family raise their young. I think they had four (five?) goslings. Started off acid green, then became kinda brown, then eventually got the usual markings. I know they are pest animals but it was cool to watch the process. They lived right about where I saw the boinging deer a few nights ago. For Mass. natives, it was the exit ramp (it cloverleafs around) from Southbound Rte. 128 to Eastbound Rte. 2.
Our first dog went a little nuts (egad, it's about 10 years ago now) and we noticed he'd picked up a garter snake. Very small, very skinny and green.
Oh, and bats. We've had 'em in the house (no, not the belfry

). Can always tell the difference between bats and birds flying as bats are a lot more erratic.
I live near Chandler Pond, and we've seen swans there, along with mallards and a few loons (no, not our neighbors). Plus there are white ducks and a few other species of duck. They might be wood ducks, I'm not sure. Plus we see seagulls and pigeons, when our neighbors were getting their roof done a few years ago, that disturbed a huge informal dovecote and we ended up with Pigeon City, USA on our roof. They were actually fine (we just parked in front to avoid the guano problem), it's kinda comforting to hear them cooing.
Plus there's the mockingbird. We see him every year (so I imagine we've seen a few generations over the years), boinging on top of the chimney across the street. He just does his little song (he imitates a car alarm), then hops up a few feet in the air and lands back on the chimney, chirps a few random notes, then imitates the car alarm again. I guess the lady mockingbirds are fascinated.
I adore hearing about all of this. Gorgeous pics, hingehead! :-D