Nice signature there, Setanta. Retard? Oh, I see. You can call me what you want or endorse someone else doing it and that's ok? But, if I put any negative label on something you or those that don't believe in God, then I am in the wrong? Oh yeah, love your brand of fairness.
Well, if you equate it to the tooth fairy that's fine. I just pray you don't have a toothache for all eternity.
Why don't you try reading what I quoted again? Perhaps you missed this part?
If the Bible says it is immoral and you are saying it's ok, then yes, that appears to me to be an immoral belief. It doesn't mean, that because you do one thing I consider immoral, that you are immoral, does it? We all sin.
So quick to judge some and ignore others.
Cicerone Imposter Wrote:
Quote:MA wants to impose her interpretation of "immoral" based on her misunderstanding of what that entails. She can't accept the simple fact that two people in love should not be allowed to particiate in sexual acts in the privacy of their own bedroom. She talks about "morals" as if she has a monopoly other people's morals. In her attempts to intrude into other people's bedrooms, she thinks she's a saint for her "moral" standing.
Actually, C.I., I am not trying to outlaw homosexuality. I just don't think it is right for there to be same sex marriages. Perhaps that's not what you meant to type? Freudian slip maybe?
I can find no finer example of the force and quality of MOAN's rhetorical contributions than this:
"I just pray you don't have a toothache for all eternity."
Don't "pray" for me, i have my standards, thank you.
Oh, and yes, it is a fine signature line. If you assert that this means i am calling you a retard, than it must mean that you assert that christians are persecuted in the United States. A finer working definition of paranoid delusion i could not imagine.
Same thing: you want to deny them equal rights by law. Their "marriage" doesn't impact your life one iota. It's not what others do with their private life that is immoral. It's immoral for you to hold religious beliefs that discriminate against any group of Americans. Are you against slavery? Your god condones slavery.
Best be careful there, Setanta. The last perfect person to walk this earth was crucified.
I can walk on water ( I can also raise the dead)
dyslexia wrote:I can walk on water ( I can also raise the dead)
But can you chew gum at the same time?
Cicerone Imposter Wrote:
Quote:Same thing: you want to deny them equal rights by law. Their "marriage" doesn't impact your life one iota. It's not what others do with their private life that is immoral. It's immoral for you to hold religious beliefs that discriminate against any group of Americans. Are you against slavery? Your god condones slavery.

Oh, I see, it doesn't impact my life because you say so? Setanta, hey! C.I. is calling me immoral! You gonna get him too, big guy?
C.I., I am sorry but I don't happen to believe that God condones slavery. I've never owned a slave and I would never have owned one. You still do not seem to understand you keep bringing up the old covenant and totally leave out the New Covenant of Christ.
Momma Angel wrote:Best be careful there, Setanta. The last perfect person to walk this earth was crucified.
Hey. You killed!!
That was the best Christian put down ever.
(Likely owing to the fact that there aren't any others, but who cares? Made me laugh.)
Momma Angel wrote:Best be careful there, Setanta. The last perfect person to walk this earth was crucified.
Typical MOAN idiocy . . . only the self-deluded buy that dog and pony show . . .
So, they're all Jesus freaks, eh?
Momma Angel wrote:Mesquite,
Why don't you try reading what I quoted again? Perhaps you missed this part?
If the Bible says it is immoral and you are saying it's ok, then yes, that appears to me to be an immoral belief. It doesn't mean, that because you do one thing I consider immoral, that you are immoral, does it? We all sin.
So quick to judge some and ignore others.
Precisely the point MA, you act to legislate against what
appears to you to be immoral whether others actions affect you or not, even though your legislation has a significant affect on others.
Momma Angel wrote:Best be careful there, Setanta. The last perfect person to walk this earth was crucified.
That's a lie! It's side political spin, jesus was just waterboarded, perfectly legal.
Don't you vote against what you don't want? If you disagree with something do you vote for it anyway?
"Don't you vote against what you don't want?"
What a crock. We're talking about equal treatment about all Americans - not about pushing some religious belief learned from a fictional book.
Momma Angel wrote:Mesquite,
Don't you vote against what you don't want? If you disagree with something do you vote for it anyway?
I often support things I personally don't want because it is for the greater good. If a little pain or discomfort for me can help others why wouldn't I want it?
Cicerone Imposter Wrote:
Quote:"Don't you vote against what you don't want?"
What a crock. We're talking about equal treatment about all Americans - not about pushing some religious belief learned from a fictional book.
For about the 100th time, I believed it was wrong long before I became a Christian. Not everyone that thinks it is wrong is a Christian. Many non-Christians, non-religious believe it is wrong.
So, what would you tell them? Or is it just a crock because of my religious beliefs?
I vote for what I think is right. If you don't like it, that's just too bad. I do what I think is right.
It's just one of those things that I have always felt was wrong. The first time I ever heard of a man and a man together in that manner or a woman and a woman I just felt it was wrong.
The Bible did reinforce that belief, yes. I cannot and will deny that. So, if there is anyone out there that is not religious and believes it is wrong, I'd like to hear from them and perhaps they could help me explain it. I don't know how to explain it any better, pauligirl. I apologize for that.