Momma Angel wrote:Yes, and I don't agree with the interpretations posed. So what? Do I have to agree? Do you have to agree? No. So what? We disagree. I think it's a pretty fair statement to say that anyone can interpret anything in the Bible to justify what they want. I have said that before.
Well at least we agree on something. That is exactly the reason that IMO the bible is not a valid guidline for human morality or endeavors other than to reinforce pre-existing views.
It is obvious that your mind is closed on this issue and most likely will remain that way. Hopefully some others have learned from the discussion.
Nice chapeau, Mesquite . . . Was Kokopeli (sp?) ever known to sport such a vivid hat?
The bible doesn't make any sense, therefore why the belief?
revel wrote:Actually some sins in the Bible are considered abominations and punishable by death in old testament.
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. Lev. 20:13
But then again they stoned for things such as adultery and a bunch of other things too that we would not think of punishing by death today. So if you are justify making a law for one sin the bible, to be consistent we would have to make it against the law to have an affair and worship other images...
Probably the most commonly violated capital sin is working on the sabbath.
Working on the sabbath is a sin? WHOA there kimosabe, half the world would have to be punished by stoning.
Thomas wrote:parados, quoting the bible wrote:Quote:every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless
(We will ignore the context that homosexuality is claimed to be a punishment for godlessness.) According to the word of God homosexuality is the SAME as disobeying your parents.
According to the passage you quote, it is also the same as murder. That would seem to weaken your claim that the new testament considers homosexuality a minor transgression. By contrast, it reinforces Momma Angel's claim that sin is not a matter of degree from the bible's perspective.
I don't believe I made any claim about the bible considering homosexuality a minor transgression. I stated that the bible equates it to arrogance and disobeying parents. Yes, murder is in the list but it would mean that arrogance is the same as murder then as well. If you really take the bible at its word then you can't seperate one from the other as one being a whole lot worse when it comes to sin.
The hypocrisy is in deciding what on that list is better or worse while at the same time claiming the entire book has to be taken as the literal word of god.
I agree with parados; how can christians distinguish between what is a worse sin than another when so many are claimed by the bible as unforgivable by god with the reward of death.
Kokapelli is portrayed in many forms on ancient petroglyphs, but none of them have the capability of showing color, so a bit of "interpretation" was used in this rendering.
cicerone imposter wrote:The bible doesn't make any sense, therefore why the belief?
What part of 'love thy neighbor as thysef' do you have trouble with?
Gee, neo can list one of many contradictory verses from the bible. He deserves a medal.
cicerone imposter wrote:Gee, neo can list one of many contradictory verses from the bible. He deserves a medal.

I forgot who I was talking to.
The part that says the guy that said
'love thy neighbor as thysef'
is the same guy that said
"17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. "
Has always been a tough swallow for me.
Got yer parts mixed up, Skeeter. But you do have a point.
Now if I were to explain the apparent contradiction, as I have not a few times before, would you really try to swallow? I mean after you ruminate over it first, of course.
Are you going to explain the multiple personality syndrome?
neo would have to explain his own multiple personality in order to explain why he sees consistency in the bible.
Does that mean your answer is no?
Or are you a scaredy skeeter that I might succeed?
Or, maybe a sissy imposter?
Nyah, Nyah!
There is quite a difference between christians that restrict their beliefs to what Christ actually said and those "christians" that ignore Christ to use the rest of the bible to validate their own beliefs.
Imagine a morality based ONLY on the first 4 books of the new testemant. I think it would be quite different from the morality espoused by so many "christians."
I just got finished reading through to the end here from where I left off earlier. I will try to address everything without specificially quoting. So, if it pertains to you then it does and if it doesn't it does't.
Paul was not one of the original disciples of Christ in the sense that he was with Christ at the times of the others. He was; however, a man who had killed and persecuted Christians for years. He became a believer in Christ and he changed his ways. He no longer murdered and persecuted the Christians. He became a disciple of Jesus and spread the gospel. So, if that means you think he made it up as he went along, ok.
I am amazed at how many seem to think there has been some huge conspiracy going on for 2000 years. I would think if someone was smart enough to come up with a conspiracy theory such as some believe Christianity is, they would have answered a lot more questions. But, perhaps it's just because they were not as progressive as our society is today?
I made the statement that I don't think God sees sin in degrees. I stand by that. I also made the statement I don't really know how I feel about it personally (something to that effect). I read from these posts that many of you believe there are different degrees of what I call sin. Do I, as a human being, feel lying is like murder? Probably not anymore than you do. But, I can see how God might think so since He says words can slay a soul. Being a Christian does not mean you are perfect. It does not mean you have every answer to Christianity or anythig else. It means I have accepted Christ Jesus as my Savior and I repent of my sins and I do my best each day to live as He would. Sometimes I do better than others. Sometimes I fail miserably. God understands that. That is one of the reasons He gave us His son. Because He understands the nature of the "flesh." I expect no one to believe what I believe.
Lash, your post was just fine. I had not one problem with it. Yes, we are to treat EVERYONE with love, no matter what. Just because I think that something someone does is wrong, that doesn't mean I don't love them. Where would we be if everytime one of us did something someone else thought was wrong and we stopped caring about them? We'd probably either all be dead by each other's hands or very alone. It's called forgiveness. We forgive each other for the sins against us. God forgives us for sins against Him.
So, if I am within my legal right and I lobby and vote against a law I feel is just trying to make a moral wrong, right, I am labeled homophobic, etc. So be it. I cannot change how any of you feel about that.
To those that the Bible makes no sense to ~ nothing in the Bible makes sense to you? Neo pointed out one thing. What about the Beatitudes? Those don't make sense to you? Or are you throwing out every word because you just don't believe it at all? If you are having a discussion with someone and they say one thing you don't understand and/or agree with, does that mean you throw out everything else they say? To completely discount what someone says because you do not agree with them is IMO the ultimate closed mind.
My mind is set in some ways, yes. I have my principles and I stand by them. I would imagine that so do all of you. So, it's just a matter of what we believe. Those that believe homosexuality is right even though I show in the Bible where I believe it says it is wrong, have not changed their minds. Does that make you close minded? But, because I don't accept what you say (or show) to make it right, I am accused of being close minded. So be it. I still stand by what I believe.
I am still so amazed at how those that obviously are not Christians would actually tell someone else how they should be a Christian. You don't even believe it and would ridiculue those that do, and yet, you would have us be the kind of Christian you have interpreted the Bible to say. So, for those that ask me about whose interpretation is right? Should I also consider your interpretation? You that do not believe, I should accept your interpretation? I am more apt to accept an interpretation from someone who says they were once a Christian but now aren't before I would accept a non-believer's interpretation. I think that's just a pretty logical thing.
I can't tell a Muslim, Buddhist, etc. how to practice their religions. I can't tell anyone how to practice what they believe. I only share what I think, feel, and believe.
I just wanted you to make sure I wasn't piling on. And, you made some valid points in your last post, IMO.
I don't have a problem with anyone telling me what they feel, think, or believe. None of us believe everything the same, nor do I think we all have to.
I do appreciate the kind words.