ohhhhh another great idea.
MIL has a futon bed and frame she is thinking about selling.
I could put that in her room when we move as a couch... then.. when she is older, begin using that for her bed.
We ended up , at 9pm .. buying a 69 dollar small sleigh style bed.
Its cute...
, cheaply made.. but satisfies the ' need it NOW' problem.
It got better then average customer satisfaction ratings and the brand has not had a recall on its beds.. for something like... 5 years?
It took the crib mattress well, so we didnt have to buy a new mattress .
It has small rails on the side so she can push herself into a small corner like she does when she is in the crib.
And oh boy... last night I was about to cry with all the stress.
Nap time yesterday , I had rocked her.. she actually fell asleep in my arms wich she usualy does not do.
So I put her in her crib, closed the door and went downstairs and began cleaning the kitchen.
I would say about 2-3 minutes later, I hear a -BANG- on the ceiling above me then a wail...
holy cow.. i lost my MIND with fear.
I truthfully thought the bottom of the crib must have fallen out to make that kind of noise..
but no...
I open her door and there she is standing on the floor looking scared.
So 40 minutes of hugs, a feverish strip down to look for marks/cuts..
and I have her rocked back to sleep.
I put her down and stand just outside the door to make sure she is asleep and about 5 minutes later, I can HEAR her little slight snores..
i tred back downstairs..
About half way down the stairs..
My nerves are shot, Im kicking my self in the mommy butt thinking good god .. how stupid I am to think she was asleep ( not even remembering she was SNORING ) and go get her.
she is scared , upset, and so tired she cant sleep.
We stay up all afternoon rocking, reading, and playing...
no nap. stress.. and still thinking.. any minute Im going to see blood that i didnt see before.. , beating myself over the head for even using a crib anymore..
I started hunting on the internet and found that bed.
Ian and I start about 6pm taking everything out of her room. and I mean EVERYTHING..
2 hours of furniture moving, boxing stuff up.. changing the door handle, removing face plates to install baby safe ones, cutting carpet strings off , sweeping ceilings in case of spider webs.. ( yea .. we are weird ;-) ....... im tired, Ians tired and it is now 9pm.. Bean is angry and very tired..
We let Bean play in the empty room with her new bed so she wont be too surprised about it. And begin the night time routine..
needless to say.. 11 at night, she is FINALLY asleep, and we are having parental stress break down.
I always imagined the transition from crib to ' big girl bed' to be all foo-foo happy, cute, exciting, and fun....
not done in less then 8 hours because she can throw herself out of her crib..