Sturgis wrote:
Well which is it? Rubbish or hogwash. They are different things and to try to equate them is absurd...sort of like your idea that Capital Punishment should be abolished.
hog·wash ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hôgwôsh, -wsh, hg-)
Worthless, false, or ridiculous speech or writing; nonsense.
Garbage fed to hogs; swill.
rub·bish ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rbsh)
Refuse; garbage.
Worthless material.
Foolish discourse; nonsense.
Not only are they not different, they are listed in the Thesaurus as synonyms for one another. And kindly point out in my post where I said that Capital Punishment should be abolished. I can condemn the way in which capital punishment is applied without denouncing it as an unnecessary practice.
Quote:Tell that to the family of the little 2 year old girl who was killed when her mom's boyfriend, who was out on parole for manslaughter after less than a decade decided to kill her (the child). He has been sentenced now to 4 and a half years. Sweet ain't it?
Well, according to the sewage you were spouting earlier, that 2 year old girl is a sinner, so noone should really care that she was killed since she more than likely had it coming anyway.