Sat 12 Apr, 2003 10:33 am
Quote:The New York Review of Books
May 1, 2003
The Enforcer
By Elizabeth Drew
Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential
by James Moore and Wayne Slater
Wiley, 395 pp., $27.95
Boy Genius: Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George W. Bush
by Lou Dubose, Jan Reid,and Carl M. Cannon
PublicAffairs, 253 pp., $15.00 (paper)
An easy-to-read, insightful examination of Karl Rove's raise to power.
I subscribe to the NYRB and haven't gotten that issue yet, so I'll wait to read the article. Can't wait, though. Rove seems like a real piece of work--and the most powerful man in D.C.
Karl Rove--"Bush's Brain"
Well, I've now read the article, and things are worse than I'd thought! I knew Rove was manipulative, but I had no idea the extent to which he'll do anything it takes to keep Bush and the Republicans in control. Including war, as we've just seen.
The obsession with tax cuts is well covered in that article, too. And what was the topic for Bush's speech today, the first in a while not about Iraq? Right you are, the need for the big, new tax cut!
I'm surprized more folks haven't posted.
Me, too. Especially because anyone who wants to understand what makes Bush tick has to understand Rove. Because he clearly is the brains behind the operation. One of the more interesting details in that article is the idea that Rove pushed Bush into running for president. I find that completely plausible--and scary as hell!
If you haven't reviewed this article, it's worth a look.
I had read some articles recently about Rove that had the same sort of flavor, but was not as detailed. I think that the reason that not many have responded is that this sort of article needs lots of time to digest........It's implications are staggering. I will stay tuned!
Maple, Rove has been the subject of discussion many times. Quite often among the same people. And I've seen cartoons and references to him as a puppet-master, manipulating little george. I think he is truly an immoral, amoral type. He even looks the part, which is frightening. Elizabeth Drew has been writing about him for some time. I have heard her speak about him, too.
What I can't figure out is if he's working with the other parts of the cabal, or if he is only for himself. When Karen Hughes left, the rumor was that he had forced her out. It's amazing to me what this administration has produced in such a short time.
And then I start to wonder about Bush father, who has been increasingly and noticeably absent from the scene. These are the Reagan people, mostly, including Margaret Tutwiler, spokeswoman for Garner, who is described as a loyal Bushite, but she was a Reagan era mouth.
Incidentally, there was also a review in the NY Times book review section a few weeks back of the Drew book. Think Rove will quash it? Or will he think it flattering?
Mamajuana: He probably thinks all mention of him is flattering. Remember he learned from some real "scuzzy" men how to lie and manipulate. Segretti, Lee Atwater (who died confessing his sins!), and Roger Ailes. This man knows no shame or moral bounderies. He affixed his future fortune and fame to what GW Bush's star. My take of the article about him by Elizabeth Drew: Slimy!
I also think he is the type to overreach. He can't help himself.
Well, VNN, that was nice and neat. I've always liked Elizabeth Drew. A professional, and never the nicey-nice. And she's always well-researched.
I agree about Rove. I think he thinks of himself as a master rain-maker, and if Bush goes, so does he. However, when it comes to rain-making, I'll bet on Al Sharpton. (Sorry, Maple, I know he's not in this, but still....) Rove actually makes Sharpton look more ethical.
Sharpton is a real piece of work, all right, but he's too egotistical to be effective in the long run. Whereas Rove doesn't appear to be ego-driven, which makes him scarier. Happy to be more or less behind the scenes, pulling strings. He does speak before certain audiences, but that seems to be it. And he always tries to minimize his role when he talks to reporters. For instance, he claims to have no role in foreign policy. Yeah, right...
As if there's any decision the Administration makes that Rove doesn't have a hand in!
Rove is scarier, D'Artagnan...but I disagree to the extent that I think he IS ego driven. He is the Svengali that works his magic through Bush II. Did you read the exerpt from David Crum's book about how he screams at underlings in the WH when things do not go his way? Profanity and screaming...I wonder if he does this in front of the pious Bush?
Haven't read Crum's book, Vietnamnurse, but perhaps I was too hasty in saying that Rove isn't ego-driven. It might be more accurate to say he enjoys wielding power behind the scenes but doesn't crave the limelight. At least not as much as someone like Sharpton.
And I still think that makes Rove scarier!
D'Artagnan- Absolutely. Sharpton is not too worrisome to me because he is so darn obvious. Rove, on the other hand...........
The New York Times (despite the recent unpleasantness - still one of the best papers) has an op-ed today an exceerpt from the book. I think the reason his face is so botox-smooth is that everything behind it is so evilly wrinkled.
When he goes, he'll go with a bang. He's too big, and has made too many enemies, to fall softly. And he'll pull Bush down, screaming as he goes. And when the spring planting season comes around, there will emerge from te ground this stunted, scrawny little twig, that will never grow anywhere, because big roots will forever be pulling it down.
I hope y'all have also seen the New Yorker profile of Rove by Nicholas Lemann... Both the NYRB piece and the one in the New Yorker describe a closer than close relationship between Bush and Rove, and of course over the years Rove has implemented some real nasties for which he arranges deniability on Bush's part. As I keep remarking, Icky poo!
Icky poo? If ever there was an understatement............
Really. The Devil Incarnate may be more like it...
Gee, Mamaj, I say something definite which means something -- Karl Rove is icky poo -- and you dump on me! You need to change your quote!