If you cannot reductio ad adsurdum with a little background noise, what kind of bloody argufier are you? I mean contradictor.
I'll buy you a beer. Now - get on with it...
This is an argument. If you get everyone drunk your going to have a fight.
Setanta, If it were true that all we do is contradict then there would have to be something TO contradict. Looking at the first post I see nothing which to contradict, so what you are saying is that all we do is contradict nothing which is an impossibility... (can I get a no it isn't?)
Wabbit, where's my beer?
Actually, the SECOND post began the argument. It began over the proposition that Montana loved Monty Python.
That is slight matter for argument, but matter nonetheless - therefore, thy reduction is absurdio.
Can I say.....no it's not. (He says with a grin while backing away from the angry rodent.)
Oh, I ain't angry - YET.......(chillingly)
AND - I am NOT a rodent!
My dear dlowan I must humbly disagree.
Main Entry: ro·dent
Pronunciation: 'rO-d&nt
Function: noun
Etymology: ultimately from Latin rodent-, rodens, present participle of rodere to gnaw; akin to Latin radere to scrape, scratch, Sanskrit radati he gnaws
Date: 1859
1 : any of an order (Rodentia) of relatively small gnawing mammals (as a mouse, a squirrel, or a beaver) that have in both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel-shaped edge
2 : a small mammal (as a rabbit or a shrew) other than a true rodent
- rodent adjective
According to this you are a lying rodent. (The worst kind I'm sure.)
I am lagomorphing my ass of right now imagining the steam coming out of your wittle pink ears.
My reductio is in the shop, something to do with the alternator, i believe . . .
And the Cunning Coney is so a rodent . . .
WHAAAAT? no. no, of course not, pay no attention, bunnyface. Simply confuse them with yet another question they can't answer........................ in the rain.
Am not a TRUE rodent only in the sense of being, in only the most charming ways, rodent-like, rather than actually rodential!
NOT in the sense of lying!!!!!!
Wilful misunderstander!!!!
You ain't got the intestinal fortitude to be a lagomorph, you Iagomorph!
Set: Amn't.
Osso: Won't.
dlowen, of course is merely (and i use that term in full body armour) a "virtual" rodent!
so you are all on a very slippery slope! :wink:
Well, i've strapped on my virtual skis, so your slippery slope holds no fears for me, BGW . . .
Lowenensis rodenta sum, as Terrentius so cogently observed--he was not fooled . . .
You all still working on the misconceived assumption that dlowan is a bunny. She's not. It's all a disguise.
Guinea pig.
In the Pliocene, many Duplicidentates weresix feet tall and weighed as much as a MiniCooper. Of course carrots were still rather small, so they all died rather horribly.
this thread is getting terribly silly, and has ground down to nyah nyahs. Please try to raise the tone and the content above that of a bocci game
Look here! Complaints that THIS thread is silly! Must notta seen any other threads, then!
What's WRONG with Bocci?????
Dont use all those question markes on me you runt, I heard you the first time.
When you say "runt" - how tall do you think I am?
I was going to name Pacco bocci, or bocce and looked it up and it turns out that it is boccia, bocce (plural) and feminine, so that's what's Wrong With Bocci: I wanted a masculine noun for his name.