So you admit it, you two are conspiring in this kind of activity?!?!?
In showing me without the Bunny suit? Well, no - and, if we were, you would have to include Roger.
But, hey - haven't you noticed that ALL the photos here are of people WITHOUT their Bunny suits?
You been in that tomb too long, Pharaoh Phuffle - the world has CHANGED, I tell you...
Thats not a pharao, thats a bunny. A beautiful, golden-haired, mask-faced bunny.
dlowan wrote:Tutanbloodykhamen!
No ... it's not Tutanbloodykhamen! It can't be! I would recognize Tutanbloodykhamen blindfolded in a snowstorm. Best Uighur throatsinger from Mongolia there ever was, that Tutanbloodykhamen.
Wow, thats a lot of extreme non-smiley faces in reply to a classic Monty Python retort ...
is this getting too serious? I was thinkin' that each of my posts here was just waaaay too bizarre for anyone to ever take 'em seriously ... but I guess I'd better shut my beak for a while now ...
No!!!! No!!!!!!! I be kidding only!!!!!!!
One's position as royalty require a forebearing attitude towards the clattering of the rabble.
Hmmm - I love ducks - in a good curry!