Sat 12 Nov, 2005 08:35 pm
Nothng I hate more than a leaky dick!
Dick leaked
Welcome to A2K, bluesgirl
That headline is giving me day nightmares...
I think he looks like Jerry Brown in that photo.
When we start throwing people into jail based on polls, this may matter.
Brandon9000 wrote:When we start throwing people into jail based on polls, this may matter.
We put people in jail based on polls now.
bluesgirl wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:When we start throwing people into jail based on polls, this may matter.
We put people in jail based on polls now.
Okay, I'll bite. Care to back this statement up?
Polls taken of jury members, I would opine.
Is the odd rhetorical flourish to be condemned now? Is a little gentle hyperbole to make a point so awful that it has to be - proven?
That will make this a very sterile place indeed.
In discussion we should allow the odd act of sophistry to pass without comment or challenge.
Unless I'm losing of course.
Everyone else is guilty of hypocrisy except me
Lol! I was going to ask you what the weather was like outside, as I was just leaving work when I wrote that.
Are you gonna be at the rally tomorrow?
Er....and which side will you be on, if so? As it were.
I won't be there - either on or off duty. No-one has said no, in fact an email went out with the rules for those who wish to go, but there's a certain visit later this week and the operation starts tomorrow and leave have been cancelled for all sworn members and my normal duties have been suspended while I'm on reserve for the week.
I may run up against you at the certain visit......but I doubt it, I will be on my way to work, and hoping but to register as a blip on the counters...
You don't think you'll have even a faint chance of a moon at the beast, do you?
A wee belt slip, too dedicated to your duty to stop tp pull the daks up?
Oh, how I would love to be able to be part of an intervention with that arsehole....I hold him responsible as a major "brain" behind all this evil.