Re: V For Victory
First of all I should say why I suggested that the carping of the knave would be of particular ease. It is because your post commits a series of logical fallacies.
Fallacious rhetoric might convince your average audience but if you want your arguments to carry weight you should avoid obvious logical error. I do not mean to post that logic is the be all end all, there are subjective factors in the realm of logic as well. Your arguments, I really do not like to demean the term "argument" but for the sake of a functional discussion let's use it, do not slip a few fallacies in but rather embrace them and the points made in your above post are, for the most part, inextricable from the fallacious mechanisms you employed.
As I said in our phone conversation, the predominant fallacy in your post is the straw man. You start by saying "For those of you who expressed, at times vehement objections, to what had been construed as 'American Imperialism'..." and subsequently create a straw man from this position. Your straw man is a logical fallacy, it makes no attempt whatsoever to disguise itself.
A well constructed straw man argument has it's place in debate but an obvious one just opens your rear. Since you rely heavily on Audiatur et altera pars and other really pathetic logical brainfarts this is by far the most poorly constructed argument I've seen from you.
<btw, I told you this would be ugly and would have preffered to tell you this on the phone but I didn't get your call>
Lusatian wrote:V For Victory
For those of you who expressed, at times vehement objections, to what had been construed as "American Imperialism", I would like to ask just what do you make of the images of Iraqis swarming the streets with cheers, destroying images of Saddam, and hailing Anglo-American forces as liberators?
1) Straw man
2) Fallacy of interrogation (also called a loaded or complex question)
3) Anecdotal evidence
4) Argumentum ad numerum
5) Argumentum ad populum
6) Argumentum ad misericordiam
7) Argumentum ad novitatem
Lusatian wrote:How do you reconcile these images with the assertion that this was an immoral war waged against the Iraqi people.
1) Straw man
2) Fallacy of interrogation
3) Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Lusatian wrote:
If coalition forces do uncover evidence of the production of weapons of mass destruction, human rights violations, and the systematic opression of a people for nearly forty years, wouldn't that contradict all of the fiercely presented denouncements made by anti-war demonstrators all over the world.
I will answer this rhetorically:
No, and frankly your argument makes not a mite of sense. I do not know anyone who argued the points you conveniently select as your opposing viewpoint. Furthermore finding WMDs does nothing retroactively. It's anecdotal evidence that would be hailed as vindication while creating anotehr straw man.
At the point when this war was initiated this evidence did not exist (yes, dd not exist, I did not say that it was not divulged). Many consider waging a war and trying to find the evidence to support your motives after teh fact to be dastardly. "This may be the first war that will be over before the reason is found".
Back to logic:
1) Straw man
2) Fallacy of interrogation
3) Shifting the burden of proof
Lusatian wrote:
In this I am curious; when the world began to see the jubilation the majority of Iraqis demonstrated once they were assured that the regime had indeed fallen, the almost daily protests, sit-ins, and movements ceased.
No you are not curious, you are ill informed. But let's just assume your assertion (cessation) is factual because it's actually easier jsut to assume that and carp your argument based on its fallacies.
1) Non Causa Pro Causa
2) Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
3) Anecdotal evidence
4) Ignoratio elenchi
Lusatian wrote:
The anti-war camp has seemed to have uttered a collective "opps", and now offers a few quiet suggestions of reconstruction and rehabilitation.
Rhetorical: No they didn't you just claimed they uttered an oops for your own flawed argument.
1) Non sequitur
2) Patent falsity
3) Audiatur et altera pars
4) Anecdotal evidence
Lusatian wrote:
Where are the "baby-killer" cries, and the Bush-Blair bashing so popular not two weeks ago?
Rhetorical: in your imagination, where they ahve always been.
STRAW MAN. Creating a caricature of your opposition once again and then feeling good about how easy it is to ridicule them.
Lusatian wrote:Where are the claims that the battleground strategy was deeply flawed and that the war-fighters were badly wrong in so many assumptions?
Rhetorical: in the dumpster where they belong. But this is still a fallacy of interrogatuon.
Lusatian wrote:Where are the protesters claiming to be supporting the Iraqi people, when every indication proves that the greatest solidarity to the coalition forces is coming from those being "conquered" themselves.
1) Fallacy of interrogation
2) Argumentum ad populum
Lusatian wrote:Isn't it awfully quiet in front of the U.N. Building and American embassies around the world.
1) Falsity
2) Non sequitur
3) Fallacy of interrogation
4) Red herring
Lusatian wrote:I believe that we, the free and civilized world, can all hold up the V for
Victory. Some merely because such scenes of intense liberation have not been seen since WWII,
1) Anecdotal evidence
Lusatian wrote:..and others because we've been finally vindicated in a cause that, (although unpopular), has proven to be a moral victory
This is one of the stupidest arguments I have ever heard.
"I am right, I have proven myself to be right. So what do you have to say?"
1) Dicto simpliciter
2) Argumentum ad baculum
Many many other fallacies. This one can ahve just about every logical fallacy in debate applied to it.
Lusatian wrote:..and a sound military triumph that will be evident for years to come.
I hope you can celebrate with me the low-casulty rate suffered by our forces, the happiness evident in the eyes of Shittes and Sunnis alike, and the silent honor those that did perish offered all in the name of a cause. It is for me the ultimate V for Victory.
The end is simple gloating. Even the White House declared itself a gloat free zone but you can't help yourself.
Now you have all the right in the world to gloat (even if you had nothing to do with the victory you are trumpeting) but hubris does not make one right.
Here's an argumentum ad hominem ( but relevant):
I've known you your whole life. You used to call morals irrelevant and impediments to your goals. You also blindly adore anyone who is number 1. ANYONE. You do this because you like to be on the winning side, so as to enjoy the gloating. Even uf the victory has nothing to do with you. You like victory through association. Vicarious sucess.
BTW, I have employed as few logical fallacies here, I have also decided to simply list yours instead of explaining them and supporting them. If you wish I will do so but it will be even uglier for your argument then.