Fabulous, fabulous photos, Bill. And a wonderful letter too. Wow! Aw, I'm disappointed I wasn't there, would love to have met you, and everyone else.
I have this little spikes of "darnit!" at different times -- a J_B spike (she's just so cool!) an osso spike (gotta meet that gal sometime), a Bill spike (would you look at that grin! Just wanna pinch yer cheek) (uh, the facial one), an Eva spike (would be great to see her in person, do some good one-on-one talking), a Sublime spike (what a sweetie!), a Walter spike (I mean, it's WALTER! Love his expression in the one where Bill's got a grip on him

), a mac spike (one of my favorite folks, would love to give her a big ol' hug), a Thomas spike (a very good friend), a C.I. spike (has this guy been to every single gathering? Oh wait, not Madison), an RJB spike (love his stories, would be great to lay eyes on the guy), a joefromchicgao spike (for someone I'd never seen, he looks EXACTLY as I expected him to, cool guy) a wandeljw spike (a doting dad and a nice guy) and definitely a Yitwails spike (just getting to know Yitwail, like him, intrigued by what Mrs. Yitwail, as the only spouse attending, thought about the whole thing!)
(I was gonna stop that after 2-3 to give the idea but decided what the heck and kept going... :-D)
Spain, hmmm...