Oof! Thanks everyone. This is still a big concern for me.
I am seriously looking into AlAnon and considering it now. I had heard about it before, but was so wrapped up in my own "I don't have the problem! She does!" etc etc that I wouldn't go.
But now it's different. I'm not so angry anymore, I just want what is best for her, now and in the future.
I have begun recruiting family and friends; basically just talking openly about my concerns and giving them an opportunity to air their own. It's good- I don't feel like it is entirely on my shoulders, she has so many people who care about her. Collectively, we are figuring out an action plan.
With the help of some of her friends (I'm so sly, huh?)

, we managed to get her to agree to go to the doctor. She's been through a lot of tests. There is some damage, but it is managable. I think she was frightened to go....and equally frightened to hear the results. I have to admit I was too (I wouldn't let her see that though!). It feels better though to know where things stand. She still is not able to admit that she does - or ever - had a problem with drinking. She neutralizes anything negative and avoids it. It's frustrating.
Yes, the more I write here , the more I'm convinced I need to go talk to the good folks at AlAnon. I have my own issues with this, and I need to be in the best possible place to be there for her.
Thanks again.
Oh, Noddy, no she does not have health insurance. Thinking about how things will be in 10-20 + years time is a bit overwelming and frightening at this point. My hope, right now, is that us (her family and loved ones, and hopefully her) will be able to work out a plan that she is happy with.....that would mean some level of security for her. I dream (as I'm sure she does) that she will be able to have a comfortable retirement one day. She may HAVE to retire.......and that is why this is so urgent in my mind.