snood wrote:Lemme ask you something Frank Apisa-
If you became aware of someone you know(and just for the sake of this question, let's say you like the person), that had "bought into" someones line of poseletyzing... say, Christian, just fr'instance-
How do you think you would react...
Would your first reaction be to make sure you told the person not to believe the hype? or...
Would you leave it to the person to decide for him/herself, because you practice "to each, their own"? or....
Would any of your reaction depend on what "buying into" the religious line had meant to this person's life?
In other words, would you react any differently whether you perceived the person's "getting religion" as elevating his/her life, or hurting it?
I'm asking to try to understand your motives for some of what you say....
Best way to put this, Snood...and a way I think you and others might understand... to compare why I say many of the things I say in this area to the zeal with which many religious missionaries deliver the message they see as important.
I honestly HONESTLY see religion as a net negative for society...and for each individual engaging in it...and I feel it incumbant upon me to do everything possible to shake anyone I see engaging in it...and try (as I see it) to wake them up.
This is NOT to get them to reject religion...but rather TO QUESTION IT...just as I attempt to get atheists to question their "devotion" to their "there can be no gods" guesses.
Keep in mind that I am not "at war" with religion as much as I am at war with the notion that we can know or make reasonable guesses about the ultimate REALITY.
As for the last part of your question...well...just about everyone I know who is "religious" (even people who are obviously hypocritical, which I acknowledge many are NOT)...suggest that "religion" somehow "elevates" their life.
I disregard that!
I am focused on getting anyone I can to question BELIEFS of any and all kinds....both for and against the existence of gods.
I don't worry about that aspect of this issue here in a discussion forum. Everyone here is free to listen to or reject any considerations anyone brings to these issues.
As an aside...I seldom engage in this kind of thing outside of the forums. I would not go out of my way to engage some individual not actively seeking to discuss these kinds of issues out in a supermarket or at a ball game. I might do it (AND HAVE) with missionaries who ring my doorbell.